Crosetto dixit: “No one fears nuclear war”

by time news

2023-10-04 23:20:58

It is well known that Italian positions regarding the Russian/Ukrainian war are influenced by the loss of sovereignty of our country. This situation carries serious risks, and to support the current narrative, our country’s leadership often finds itself having to resort to lies, resulting in often contradictory judgments.

The Minister of Defense Crosetto has just declared that “no one fears nuclear war” in the context of the situation between Ukraine and Russia. And he added that nothing can be done about the actions of a madman. However, his statements seem like a poorly concealed attempt to justify the contradiction of the absolute lack of diplomatic initiatives to end the conflict and understand the reasons of others. Crosetto: “Nobody fears nuclear war.” . The Minister of Defense: “On a rational level this is the case, certainly nothing can be done against madness” ( These statements deserve in-depth reflection:

Insincere and contradictory statements

In his speech, the Italian Minister Crosetto presents a clear contradiction through his two statements. On the one hand, he states that there is no fear of nuclear war, but on the other hand he admits that it is not possible to avoid the irrationality (madness) of potentially dangerous individuals. This statement is intrinsically violent because it does not recognize the reasons of others. Although these reasons may not be shared, denying their existence or the possibility of peaceful dialogue is a mistake that compromises the path to peace.

By accepting the reasons of others, he linearly should have recognized that this war could have been avoided. Furthermore, it is not negligible that the Western side, despite the real risks of further escalation, does not seem to be oriented towards a diplomatic solution to put an end to this tragedy.

From this we can deduce the fear of carrying out any reasoning other than the total demonization of the opponent, to the point of considering him crazy. In reality, Italy’s current position seems to be mainly the result of a total subordination to the Atlantic Alliance, which is, among other things, contrary to our national interests. Furthermore, this position seems to overlook the important principle that international agreements should be respected to preserve world peace, rather than plunging us into conflict situations that would only strengthen NATO budgets.

Interestingly, even America’s allies express divergent views on the nature of the ongoing conflict.

For example, JD Vance, congressman of the Republican Party, recognizing objective reality he valued: “Five years from now, we’re going to find that between the Clintons and a number of American private equity firms and other hyper-global corporations, we’re going to find that a lot of people have gotten rich off of this… And it’s really sad and it’s really despicable because, of course, the Ukrainians did not invite war upon themselves… You can almost see the elites in Washington and New York City salivating over acquiring more power and more money for themselves in the market. behind the Ukrainian war effort…Whoever does not see the situation for what it is, I believe, is blind to reality.”

We have been waiting for some words from Crosetto for some time on the need for urgent diplomatic solutions to put an end to this conflict, but they have not arrived. His apparent light-heartedness in considering the possibility of nuclear war is worrying, since this depends on the lack of diplomatic initiatives to reach a ceasefire and a peaceful agreement.

To maintain the balance of nuclear deterrence we must believe in it, not believe in it

Nuclear deterrence, as a principle, is based on the shared belief that the threat of nuclear war is real. However, Crosetto’s statements, which downplay this threat, weaken the credibility of deterrence and bring the possibility of nuclear conflict dangerously close.

As Minister of Defense, Crosetto should be aware that Russian military doctrine provides for the use of nuclear weapons in extreme situations of conventional warfare, where the survival of the Russian Federation is threatened. Unfortunately, the West’s actions and rhetoric, including sending fighter jets and advanced missiles, are leading the situation towards a dangerous scenario, which corresponds to the situation of extreme threat for Russia.

The conflict escalated due to the West’s non-compliance with Minsk 1 and 2 and its obstinacy in expanding NATO

It is important to underline that the history of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia is complex, and the West has contributed to decisively escalating the situation, tearing up the agreements signed at the UN Minsk 1 and 2, ignoring Russia’s security concerns and promising to not to expand NATO to Ukraine, a promise that has been unfulfilled. The instrumental use of the Minsk 1 and 2 agreements to rearm Ukraine and plunge it into conflict was revealed by former Chancellor Merkel and former French Prime Minister Hollande.

The sabotage of the North Stream gas pipeline was an act of international terrorism carried out by the United States against Germany and Europe

Yesterday was the anniversary of the Biden administration destroying three of the four Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines. According to an article by Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Symon Hersh, the pipeline was exploded by the United States, committing an act of international terrorism against an allied country. Furthermore, there is evidence to show that Chancellor Scholz knew that the United States was about to do so.

Despite media censorship, the reality of the facts says that this conflict, with all that it entails, could have been avoided. If it was not done it was only to respond to the needs of the United States which intended to restore its economy by bringing Europe back into extreme dependence and subjection.

The EU accepted the avoidable war until the last minute, useless European elections

As we have seen, the EU accepted both the planning for this disaster and its active implementation. All this might be surprising. But in reality it is only the clarification of an existing situation that has not been discussed enough. In Europe an oligarchy governs that has everything to gain from the war, because accepting the diktats of the United States allows them to maintain their privileges and remain in their privileged place.

On this topic, it is worth remembering that the next European elections are only formal. For example, if the European parliamentarians we elect wanted to stop the war, their opinion would only be consultative. Only the European Commission can make this decision and the European Commission is not elected by the citizens, but follows an internal choice process independent of our will. While its propensity for war is known, even if this conflicts with a series of statements in the Constitutions of the member countries, but it is known that today, since the pandemic onwards, the national Constitutions are incessantly reread, interpreted and ‘adapted’.

Ukrainian elections will not take place and if there will be, many parties have been declared outlawed

Furthermore, support for Ukraine is made even more complicated by the lack of democratic elections and restrictions on political participation, which should raise questions about the nature of the regime in Ukraine.

In this regard, I remember Republican Senator Rand Paul who recognizes the reality and announced that he will oppose any attempt to condition federal government financing of Ukraine, declaring: “I will not consent to expedited approval of any spending that involves additional American aid to Ukraine“. Furthermore, he shared his view on the situation in Ukraine with the American people, stating: “They canceled the elections… How can there be a democracy without elections?… Next year, Zelensky announced that there will be no elections due to the uncertainty and costs associated with the war… The truth is, if there are no elections, why should the world support a country that is not democratic? They banned political parties, invaded churches, arrested priests… This is not a democracy, but a corrupt regime.”

It is clear that there are divergent opinions on the situation in Ukraine, often magnified by disinformation and war propaganda, but these should converge on the point that diplomatic solutions must be sought and dialogue encouraged to avoid a further escalation of the conflict, which could have devastating consequences for the region and the entire world.

Ukraine lost the counteroffensive and exists as a state only thanks to Western support

Madness, in this case, would be to continue down a path that has demonstrated little effectiveness, jeopardizing human lives and Ukraine’s financial resources.

The American mainstream publication Newsweek actually noted: “The US leadership would do well to adapt its policies to reflect the reality of Ukraine’s slim chances against Russia’s fortified lines…Washington spent nearly $113 billion over the course of this war, providing Ukraine with an astonishing volume of modern weapons and ammunition, and provided an impressive array of training and intelligence support… After almost a year of preparation, it made almost no dent in the Russian lines… Instead of repeating over the course of the next year and a half what already didn’t work, potentially costing Ukraine another hundreds of dollars of thousands in losses: it’s time to try something that has a chance of success… In other words, it’s time to recognize objective reality and adopt policies that can work”.

Now this scenario of a nuclear escalation is precisely what our defense minister and his European and American colleagues are taking us towards.

The unscrupulousness demonstrated in this war is gradually more brazen. I quote the US Assistant Secretary of Defense, Mara Karlin, made a remarkable statement: “There are lessons that cannot be learned in conflict simulations or practical exercises, but which inevitably emerge in war situations… Ukraine is, without a doubt, a testing ground for military innovation… I believe there is clear evidence to confirmation of this. This “learning laboratory” demonstrated its harsh reality in the CBS News documentary “Arming Ukraine” last year, in which it was discovered that just about 30% of the weaponssupplied to Ukraine by the West actually reaches the battlefield.

As we have seen, the EU accepted both the planning of this disaster and its active implementation. In Europe an oligarchy governs that has everything to gain from the war, because accepting the diktats of the United States allows them to maintain their privileges and remain in their privileged place.

In this context which I have briefly summarized, the Minister of Defense, Guido Crosetto, expresses the conviction that “no one fears a nuclear war”, despite the concerns about the situation between Ukraine and Russia.

The question of course is: whose madness is it?

Crosetto’s irresponsibility is more than evident. How can he speak on our behalf? Nuclear war does not happen only on the principle of deterrence, that is, when everyone believes that the threat is real. While this attitude brings her closer. His thesis says just the opposite and is dangerous for us and for our families, for a life that must not be burned in a madness that is taking over all of our reality.

#Crosetto #dixit #fears #nuclear #war

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