crossing of Fanzolato and Perón

by time news

The Camino del Perú has been closed for five months due to a work that could have been completed in 15 days. To this is added the fall of a bridge on Frías Silva street, because that artery has also been closed for two months. It hasn’t been repaired yet. All vehicular traffic from the Bernel, Alto Verde, Las Acacias, Las Marías, Alto de las Cañas, Los Tipales, Nicolás Avellaneda, San José 3 neighborhoods, and I don’t know how many others, must circulate on Fanzolato Avenue. The intersection of said avenue with av. Perón is out of control and dangerous. It lacks traffic lights. Just a small roundabout to bypass traffic. Everything became chaotic, even more with the start of classes. During peak hours, it is impossible to exit via Fanzolato or enter said avenue for those coming from the west. To the mayor Mariano Campero, I would love to see him or see his people to corroborate what I am proposing and attend to the request: traffic lights already in Perón and Fanzolato, which is of many inhabitants of said neighborhoods. People’s lives are more important than your political careers.

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