Cruïlla, the first major festival in Spain powered one hundred percent with renewable energy | Environmental News

by time news

2023-06-20 10:03:31

Barcelona Forum Park will become the July 5 to 8 in an authentic ephemeral city where tens of thousands of attendees will be moved by more than 50 concerts spread over five stages, with artistic experiences, comedy, gastronomy and innovation initiatives that bring music closer to an immersive and sensory experience. And all this while living from within the first large-format festival in which the entire energy is one hundred percent of renewable origin.

In figures, this means saving the consumption of 13,600 liters of fuel and, therefore, avoiding the emission of 36,000 kilos of CO2 into the atmosphere. This is equivalent to the emissions of a trip of 300,000 kilometers in a diesel car, or what is the same, to go around the planet earth 7.5 times in that same vehicle. In order to absorb these emissions, it would be necessary to plant 1,795 trees.

In the words of Jordi Herreruela, director of the Cruïlla Festival “For Cruïlla it has always been a priority to be as sustainable a festival as possible. For this reason, among other measures, this year we have gone from being a 0 plastics festival to beginning the path towards a 0 waste festival and we have once again limited the capacity of the venue, focusing on the local public, since most of the emissions produced by a festival come from the displacement of its public. In addition, this year we have also become the first major festival powered by 100% renewable energy thanks to the collaboration with Endesa, all with the aim of becoming a benchmark for other major events.

For her part, Isabel Buesa, Territorial Director of Endesa Catalunya, highlighted that “We have worked on this goal since we began our journey as a sustainable sponsor in the world of music a year ago and we are very pleased to announce it. Eliminating fossil fuels and replacing them with renewable energy is a pioneering step among the many we have taken and that will undoubtedly pave the way for reducing the environmental impact of many other major festivals.”.

The process to be able to “plug in” the entire Cruïlla Festival began months ago with an analysis of its energy needs, as well as of the existing electrical infrastructures that feed the Forum area. As Herreruela has stated, “Thanks to the intense joint work between Cruïlla, Endesa and BSM, we have found the solution that allows us to achieve the common goal: a sustainable festival connected to the electricity grid and with 100% renewable energy.”.

From a technical point of view, it has been ensured that the medium voltage distribution network that feeds the area is prepared and has adequate power to respond to Cruïlla’s energy needs. In addition, Buesa assures that from Endesa “A specific surveillance plan for the Festival has been activated, which will consist of a prior review of all the facilities and making teams of people available to attend to any need”.

Cruïlla Sostenible by Endesa

Another of the great revolutions at Cruïlla is the transformation of a zero plastics festival still zero waste festival with the use of reusable and returnable glasses, which can be used some 150 times in many other festivals, waiving the fact that the glasses incorporate the Cruïlla brand; the offer of free water fountains and the use of recycled aluminum canteens for the staff, give solidity to its waste reduction plan; and a new approach to physical merchandising, setting up an on-site printing system that offers the public the chance to wear household clothes and print them with the Cruïlla design.

To continue growing from this Cruïlla Sostenible by Endesa model, the festival looks towards the future. For this reason, a study will be carried out on the impact of the carbon footprint and an audit on the flow of waste under the supervision of the Waste Agency of Catalonia; in addition to campaigns to raise awareness and offset emissions. All this with the aim of generating methodology and sharing the results and learning with the events sector as a whole.

Other proposals: Responsible Mobility and Sustainable Festival Challenge

According to recent studies, 80% of the CO2 impact of large events comes from the displacement of their public, especially when the events are aimed at international audiences. 95% of the public at Cruïlla is local and most attendees travel on foot or by public transport. During the Cruïlla Festival, and with the collaboration of Renfe, TRAM and Moventis, access roads will be adapted to minimize pollution on the move.

In addition, and continuing with the importance of kilometer zerothe festival will bet on local suppliers and proximity productsand limits the capacity of the Parc del Fòrum to a maximum of 25,000 daily attendees to reduce the pressure on those around them.

Press contact: Marc Tapias

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