Crystal generation: how they adapt to the world of work

by time news

2023-07-14 13:55:00

“The inconsistency between the company’s actions and its declarations of values ​​is the main cause of dissatisfaction for the new generations. Young people demand congruence between the values ​​and the real actions of the company, a term called “walk the talk”. If these practices are not in line with their personal beliefs, they feel that the organization not only does not represent them, but also lies to them,” he explained. Beatriz Ariasdirector of the consultancy Coeducation Consulting.

The new generations have permanently shown that, beyond the economic salary, their desire is to work in companies whose actions are aligned with their own beliefs. But, if not, they would even be willing to resign if they feel that the organization does not reflect their fundamental principles.

To better understand the phenomenon, specialists stand out in differentiating between mission, purpose and values. In this regard, the mission is the reason for being of an organization, but there is something that underlies it: the transcendental purpose and it is this that attracts, or not, the so-called Crystal Generation.

The “Crystal Generation” is a term widely used in social networks and in recent sociological studies. The concept is associated with the Spanish philosopher Monserrat Nebrera, who uses it to refer to young people born after the year 2000, who are in the last stretch of adolescence and begin to reach the age of majority.

It is for this reason that the transcendental purpose becomes something remarkable, since it is related to the impact on people and society. Although the term “cristal” is associated with the fragility of something that can be easily broken, the philosophical analysis carried out by Nebrera reveals that these young people could have traits of low tolerance for hypocrisy and critics of certain social standards.

On the other hand, values ​​are moral principles that define behaviors. In recent times, companies have stopped focusing on this concept that works as a great fundamental pillar, to begin to define themselves, rather, through specific behaviors. On the employee side, what employers are looking for are personal behaviors aligned with the business purpose.

In this regard, the most important work that organizations have to do today is in the development of leaders and in aligning their purposes with that of the company. They are the ones who are going to transmit values ​​to their teams, and who demonstrate the congruence between the purpose and the corporate actions. Respect, empathy, solidarity, tolerance are parameters that companies must begin to highlight.

According to experts, in these times, the importance of caring for the environment and the sustainability of the planet increased, inclusion, diversity and equal rights (in relation to perceived differences by gender), are some of the new values ​​that will guide organizations to adapt and rethink. These are fundamental pillars for the new youth, who today seek to connect with generating a transcendental change in reality, in addition to the more personal search of building a career.

“Definitely, if my values ​​do not align with those of the company, it is time to resign and look for new horizons in organizations that defend purposes with which I can identify. In this sense, rotation is normal and logical. Previous generations had much less information about what they could do, now, instead, they are tempted by many career options, work, residence and do not think about entrenched issues. So, with that head, it is normal and recommended that they look for another company to work for,” he said. Maia Martinez Mornaghi, Partner de Coeducation Consulting.

Today, companies have the opportunity to create a cultural system that promotes and supports shared values. In addition to clearly communicating the transcendental purpose of the corporation through its leaders. Companies can promote the participation of employees in the definition and review of corporate principles. This will contribute to the loyalty of its talents and employees, while constituting an inspiring and sustainable objective for the organization.

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