CSN (CSNA3), CSN Min. (CMIN3), Light (LIGT3) and Petrobras (PETR4): corporate highlights of the day (31)

by time news
w – Credit: Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil

CSN (CSNA3), CSN Mineração (CMIN3), Light (LIGT3), Petrobras (PETR3)(PETR4) and Sequoia (SEQL3) feature in the corporate news this Friday (31).


See here the main news from major Brazilian companies, including notices to shareholders, announcements to the market, material facts and more information from the specialized press:

CCR (CCRO3) – CCR (CCRO3) starts this Friday (31) the collection of free-flow electronic tolls on the stretch of the BR-101 highway between Rio de Janeiro and Santos (SP).

CSN (CSNA3) e CSN Mineração (CMIN3) – CSN (CSNA3) and CSN Mineração (CMIN3) signed an export prepayment financing agreement of up to US$ 1.4 billion with a syndicate of banks, which includes JPMorgan, BNP Paribas and Citigroup , responsible for the value of up to US$ 420 million.

The Japan Bank for International Cooperation will provide up to US$980 million.

“This operation aims to support companies in their construction projects for a new pellet feed plant (P15) at the Casa de Pedra mine, aiming to guarantee the supply of high quality iron ore to its customers, helping them in its decarbonization strategies for the steel sector”, they explained.

Embraer (EMBR3) – Embraer (EMBR3) indicated in the 20-F form, submitted to the SEC, the US Securities and Exchange Commission, the risk that an intervention in monetary policy by the government would affect the company’s operating results and shares.

JSL (JSLG3) – S&P upgraded JSL’s ratings (JSLG3) from ‘B+’ to ‘BB-‘ on the global scale and from ‘brAA’ to ‘brAA+’ on the national scale.

Light (LIGT3) – Fitch downgraded Light’s credit ratings (LIGT3). On a national scale, the rating was downgraded from CCC to CC; on the international scale, the rating was downgraded from CCC+ to CC.

Marcopolo (POMO4) – Marcopolo’s board of directors (POMO4) elected James Eduardo Bellini to chair the board. José Antonio Valiati will be the new IR director.

Oncoclinics (ONCO3) – Oncoclínicas (ONCO3) projects 2.2x the ratio of net debt to EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) adjusted annualized for the fourth quarter of 2023.

Horizon (ORVR3) – Orizon (ORVR3) has redefined its strategies and is now turning to enable and develop existing projects, with expectations of consuming resources of R$ 1.2 billion, reported the newspaper Valor.

Petrobras (PETR3)(PETR4) – New executive directors of Petrobras (PETR3)(PETR4) assumed their respective positions on Thursday (30).

Make up the dome:

  • – Sérgio Caetano Leite for the position of Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer;
  • – Joelson Falcão Mendes for the position of Executive Director of Exploration and Production;
  • – Carlos José do Nascimento Travassos for the position of Executive Director of Production Development;
  • – Cláudio Romeo Schlosser for the position of Executive Director of Commercialization and Logistics;
  • – William França da Silva for the position of Executive Director of Refining and Natural Gas;
  • – Clarice Coppetti for the position of Executive Director for Institutional Relations and Sustainability; It is
  • – Carlos Augusto Burgos Barreto for the position of Executive Director of Digital Transformation and Innovation.

Technos (TECN3) – The French investor Aymeric Chaumet increased his stake to 25.10% of the share capital of Technos (TECN3).

Sequoia (SEQL3) – According to the newspaper ValorSequoia (SEQL3) seeks to strengthen its working capital, while starting to reduce its exposure to the operation of drawn risk and negotiates with suppliers.

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