Cuban throws stones at the José Martí District Bank in Santiago de Cuba – 2024-07-16 11:31:42

by times news cr

2024-07-16 11:31:42

A Cuban, whose name has not been published, was responsible for an act of violence by throwing stones at the bank known as “La Comercial,” located in the José Martí District in Santiago de Cuba.

Some Antilleans in the area said that the man is a barber by profession and has repeated similar actions in other places in the past.

They also claim that the lack of medication and the nervous breakdowns suffered by this Cuban are the causes of these acts of vandalism.

An eyewitness to the incident told Yosmany Mayeta Labrada: “I can’t tell you his name, they say he’s a barber, that he’s done the same thing to various places before. It seems he doesn’t have any medication and is in crisis.”

This situation is the response to the shortage of medicines on the island, which is causing an uncontrolled flow of people who need to take medicines every day, and who do not have the possibility of doing so due to the inefficiency of the Castro regime and the deteriorated health system on the island.

The incident sparked a reaction from Cubans on social media, reflecting the discontent and frustration of the population.

“Ahhhhhhh well now people are tired of suffering and enduring so much evil,” exclaimed one user in a post, while another commented: “It is an outrage what there is in this country, well done.”

Other Cubans believe that it is not necessary to resort to violence to demand better conditions in the country.

“This comment is true. It is time to stop this situation without violence and not tire of reporting these events wherever they happen. Someone has to listen to us. I am a witness on that bank to what they just published,” said a witness to the incident.

“Here in this country there is shamelessness and complicity, corruption with the same leaders of the bank as in other places,” added another user, while others pointed out that “the lack of pills is what causes these problems.”

The incident at the José Martí District Bank highlights the growing tensions in Cuban society, where scarcity of resources and desperation lead to acts of violence and protests.

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Cubans Around the World Editorial Team

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