Current cannabinoids devastating if “cut” with synthetic drugs –

by time news

2023-07-05 14:33:48

The Order of Doctors of Rome: young people run great risks because they are often compounds with a very dangerous psychotropic effect when sweetened with spice drugs

Cannabinoid substances are no longer the simple joints that hippies used to get high in the 60s. Instead, they are often compounds with a devastating psychotropic effect when they are sweetened with synthetic products, synthetic forms made in the laboratory, or spice drugs, used as substances for cutting grass. Compounds that make one lose the perception of reality and which, therefore, also cause serious crimes to be committed. This was explained by the vice president of the Order of Surgeons and Dentists (Omceo) of Rome, Stefano De Lillo, coordinator of the Omceo working group in the capital on the effects of cannabis. If a boy smokes a joint on which a liquid containing spice drugs has been poured – specifies Alessandro Vento, psychiatrist and head of the Observatory on addictions – he smokes something that has a pharmacological potency that is no longer that of THC, tetrahydrocannabinol, the active principle of natural cannabis. The etymology of the word hashish – explains De Lillo – derives from the Arabic and means “murderer”. In fact, the hitmen smoked before committing a murder to cloud their ability to control and to eliminate the remorse of having committed such serious crimes. Of course, not all cannabis users commit homicides. The consumption of hashish and cannabinoids – underlines the vice president of Omceo Rome – is also the key to understanding many and very painful road accidents, in which the driver loses control of reality and, therefore, of his vehicle.

According to Stefano De Lillo we must make the public understand the scientific data and that we are not dealing with “soft” drugs, the definition of which, I would like to reiterate, does not exist. Instead, these are highly psychotropic substances which, in addition to making one lose the perception of reality, can also have devastating results if taken continuously, leading 15-20% of cases, according to scientific bibliography, to schizophrenia and psychosis. However, it’s not just the cannabinoids that cause concern. The boys – adds Alessandro Vento – take all psychoactive substances, from alcohol to cannabis to cocaine, at an ever earlier age than in the past. We know for sure from numerous studies, including the Espad study, that 25% of high school students, therefore in an adolescent phase, have smoked cannabis in the last period. Vento then focuses attention on another important issue. Social networks, the internet, have anticipated the stages of adolescence. It is therefore true that there is a condition of lack of control of impulses: a person who very early on began to smoke continuously, to take substances, to drink alcohol from a young age – specifies Vento – has no inhibitory brakes and can come to commit terrible things because he does not realize the consequences of his actions. How to stem this phenomenon? The key to a turning point – replies the psychiatrist – well articulated and well oriented information from doctors, psychologists, social workers, parents and school teachers who deal with these issues. The important thing, however, is that everyone is duly trained. This is why the Rome Medical Association, for example, is supporting information and health promotion initiatives in schools, together with teachers, parents and children, to enhance this prevention strategy. A prevention strategy to start as soon as possible. For kids – concludes Vento – the sooner, the better: I would say from 8-9 years old. Launching prevention campaigns with 15-year-olds is certainly already a little late.

July 5, 2023 (change July 5, 2023 | 2:33 pm)

#Current #cannabinoids #devastating #cut #synthetic #drugs

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