Current Mandate Trends and Updates in Israeli Politics: Gantz’s Party Holds the Lead

by time news

Title: Former Defense Minister Benny Gantz’s Party Leading in Mandates, New Survey Reveals

Subtitle: Prime Minister Netanyahu faces petition to remove him due to conflict of interest

Date: [Current Date]

Against the backdrop of the legislative storm, a new survey conducted by News 13 reveals the current trend in mandates after the law to reduce the probable cause passed its first reading in the Knesset this week. The party that maintains the lead in the number of mandates is the party of former Defense Minister Benny Gantz.

In a surprising turn of events, Avigdor Lieberman, leader of the Yisrael Beiteinu party, has filed a lawsuit against News 12, citing defamation ahead of the municipal elections. This legal battle between Lieberman and the news outlet will be heard by the High Court.

According to the survey, the current coalition bloc has shown some strength in the latest polls. However, the current survey registers another discrimination. The coalition parties together reached only 51 mandates, while the parties that made up the previous Lapid-Bennett government recorded an achievement of 65 members.

The state camp emerged as the winner with 27 seats, closely followed by Likud with 25 seats. Yesh Atid, the party of the opposition leader, registered a figure of 21 seats.

The other parties included in the survey are as follows: Shas – 9 seats, Torah Judaism – 7 seats, Ra’am – 7 seats, Israel Beitenu – 6 seats, Otzma Yehudit – 5 seats, Religious Zionism – 5 seats, Meretz – 4 seats, and Hadash-Ta’al – 4 seats. The Labor party led by Merav Michaeli and Balad did not pass the blocking percentage this time.

Prime Minister Netanyahu responded to the survey results, stating, “The cause of reasonableness is not the end of democracy, but its strengthening.” The prime minister, however, faces a significant challenge as a petition to remove him from his position based on a conflict of interest will be presented to the High Court.

As the legislative storm continues to unfold, the political landscape in Israel remains uncertain. The upcoming municipal elections will surely play a crucial role in shaping the future of the country’s leadership.

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