Cuts in the Delta: the ENRE appeared | The National Electricity Regulatory Entity received the islanders – 2024-02-10 03:10:54

by times news cr

2024-02-10 03:10:54

Neighbors representing the three sections of the Delta islands, which make up the municipalities of Tigre and San Fernando, met at the headquarters of the National Electricity Regulatory Entity (ENRE) to expose what has been experienced since December 17, when the storm that hit the province of Buenos Aires generally damaged the electrical service in the areawhich until now has not been renovated by the company Edenor.

The parties agreed that they will establish a communication channel, will create a work table and that ENRE representatives will be present in the vicinity of the river station to take claims for prolonged or repeated outages, damage to devices or errors in billing.

“Edenor kills, where is the ENRE?” said one of the banners that the island residents posed on 615 Suispacha Street. “island force”as they call themselves, traveled to the City of Buenos Aires to share their experiences over the last almost two months.

“We exposed everything from the material cost to the mental cost of living without electricity”says one of the neighbors BuenosAires/12, and highlights that even “the absence of the ENRE was exposed, both on the island and in the previous hearings.” The ENRE, in charge of the graduate Darío Oscar Arruéappeared after dozens of complaints and established actions for the future.

The Provincial Directorate for the Defense of the Rights of Consumers and Users of the province of Buenos Airesan organization that belongs to the Ministry of Production, Science and Technological Innovation, had ordered the Edenor company to report the status of the electricity supply of the Delta Islands and to set a deadline for the total restoration of energy.

The storm of December 17 caused destruction in various areas of the Buenos Aires territory, and although the residents of the Delta islands have suffered years of deficient services, everything was enhanced with the storm that generated the fall of poles and trees, and that caused hundreds of inhabitants to be without power, in some cases for more than a month.

After the destruction, The neighbors created an Operational Crisis Committeea WhatsApp group where they first reported their situation on a daily basis, and which as the days went by became the feat of struggle.

Hundreds of islanders demonstrated in a caravan along the rivers, in the river port and even in the municipality of Tigre, and in addition to the electricity supply, the inhabitants of the Delta denounced the flooding of the streams, which, cut by poles and logs, prevented and prevent that neighbors connect with each other.

The Delta islands already had infrastructure problems with respect to electricity. During the pandemic, many people decided to permanently move into their weekend homes, but none of the services adapted to the change. Edenor She was targeted on numerous occasions for the lack of answers to the islanders’ problems.

Although the problem is located in region three of the service, which is comprised of the municipalities of Escobar, Malvinas Argentinas, San Miguel, José C. Paz, Pilar, Moreno and General Rodríguez; Tigre and San Fernando They are the main ones harmed by the energy company.

On January 6, the situation became even worse when a worker from an Edenor contracting company died while carrying out repairs to restore electricity to users affected by the storm. In addition, another worker was seriously injured in one of his legs.

Given this situation, the government of the province of Buenos Aires called a public hearing between the municipalities, ENRE and Edenor. Although Edenor promised to restore the service on January 26, which did not happen, the lights fell on the ENRE, since the organization gave up being part of it at the last minute.

Although the neighbors highlight BuenosAires/12 that “the situation remains alarming”, since there are houses without electricity, with constant cuts or with low voltage, they highlight that “the State was finally present to listen to our claim.” One of the neighbors who is leading the claim tells this newspaper that “there are still streams with high voltage, loose cables, cut and spinning in the air with sparks,” and that Edenor does not warn “even when they are going to cut off.” , which caused refrigerators, televisions, electric kettles, and various appliances to burn.

After weeks of tension and complaints, the regulatory body finally deigned to receive the neighbors, and together they outlined the paths to follow.

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