Cyber ​​Citizen Shockman Analysis

by time news

2023-05-23 10:00:00

Nostalgia seizes us thanks to the return of Cyber ​​Citizen Shockman

Preservation in video games is something that is being taken into account in recent years. Not because we need a catalog of all the games that have been coming out during all these decades, but so that Other titles that, due to geographical or distribution limitations, never saw the light of day in other countries, should not fall into oblivion. It is what happens with Cyber Citizen Shockmana proposal that was developed for the PC Engine more than 35 years ago and that now opens its borders thanks to the good work of Ratalaika Games. Ready for a cyber trip back in time?

Boy or girl?

Cyber ​​Citizen Shockman is a platform adventure with touches of action.n where we can handle two protagonists: Tasuke and Kyapiko. No matter who we choose, our mission will be the same in both cases: defeat the forces of evil that are invading our small town. For it, We will go through several stages improving our attributes to go well equipped in order to defeat the final boss on duty.

If we analyze the game from a current perspective, the proposal may fall a bit short, but You have to see its mechanics with a perspective focused on the past. We will be able to attack either with our sword based on commands or use a special power at a long distance that we will gain as we progress in the story. In this particular case, It is very important to choose which stage we want to complete, since each level will end with a different bonus. If we complete an area where there is a hospital, a nurse will thank us for our services, restoring our lives. But if we go to a factory, the most likely thing is that we will get a strength or defense upgrade. And it is better for us to save at each stage, since money here is very important if we want to be sold before the invading enemy.

Choose your destination well

The strategic approach when selecting the stage that we want to complete and thus achieve the appropriate improvements loses a bit of steam in this update of the original game. This is due to Thanks to the new rewind features, we will be able to dodge many of the attacks and dangers that impact on our protagonist. I would advise not making use of these new features and consider the title in the way it was conceived: wisely choosing the phases that are at our same level. In that sense, It reminds me a lot of Bionic NES game where you also had to select the stages strategically on a map so as not to end up biting the dust.

Save up and buy the appropriate upgrades

Beyond this rewind and some CRT filter that we can implement in our game, there are few replayable options in Cyber ​​Citizen Shockman. We can easily complete the story in an hour, and if we really liked the experience, play the game again with the other protagonist… but little else. as it happened to me with Cannon Dancer – Osman, I would have found it more interesting to combine several of these games that never left Japan in a more complete collection. And speaking of borders, another novelty is that we will have the texts in English and not only in Japanese.

As if they were cyber ghosts

There are playable aspects that I didn’t like either, especially in the case of a revision of the title as in this case. For a start, there are small platforms, and even final enemies that disappear from the map. They become transparent, which considerably dampens the fun by not knowing quite what to do or who to attack. Also, to top it off, the hitbox both ours and that of the rivals is disproportionate.

If you get very close to the enemy, even if you are not completely glued to him, he will deal damage to you. In some confrontations I have had to strike “into the air”, close to the opponent but without actually making contact between his body and the edge of my sword. It is strange and rude at this point to have to do this type of trick when there are other classic games that have it well incorporated and work to the millimeter.

classic beauty

Its audiovisual aspect is not out of place at all. It is true that it looks outdated, but it is very cheerful and colorful. The typical Japanese game that pleases the eye with its environments, designs and enemies. By request, they could have designed a greater variety of levels, since some are recycled several times, but I understand that it is not a problem of the studio that has made the review, but of the game itself and the limitations of the time. Where there is no fault is in its soundtrack, with catchy themes that will stay resonating in your head for a while.

Cyber ​​Citizen Shockman Conclusion

Ratalaika Games rescues a title released exclusively in Japanese lands for PC Engine in an attempt to make it known throughout the world. Apart from having texts in English, a rewind system and implementation of filters and little extras, we are looking at the original work that was developed 35 years ago. For better…and for worse. If you like classic adventures with a gameplay style similar to Wonder Boy, you will surely enjoy Cyber ​​Citizen Shockman. Of course, there are flaws in its technical aspect that today are not conceived. Although the studio could have fixed them in this review, they are part of the nostalgic experience that this game could provide us at the time.

Cyber Citizen Shockman


Cyber Citizen Shockman


  • Good way to recover a classic that did not leave Japan
  • Rewind options, filters, and extras with illustrations


  • It has flaws in its technical aspect that could have been corrected
  • It lacks more additional content, new phases, an alternative facelift…

#Cyber #Citizen #Shockman #Analysis

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