According to a report released by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) of India, WhatsApp, Instagram and Telegram have once again become the favorite platforms of cyber criminals. The report reveals that WhatsApp is the most misused platform for cyber fraud. Many digital fraud cases came to light this year, where cyber criminals duped people of lakhs of rupees through WhatsApp video calls.
cyber crime statistics
A total of 43,797 cyber crime complaints were registered in the first quarter of 2024, of which 22,680 cases were related to WhatsApp. This establishes it as the most used platform for fraudulent activities. Telegram came in second place, with 19,800 complaints filed.
The Home Ministry’s Annual Report 2023-24 states that cyber criminals used Google services, especially Google Ads, on a large scale to commit targeted fraud, further increasing the impact of these crimes.
major cyber crimes
Investment scams are the most prominent, targeting individuals around the world.
Cases of money laundering scams and digital fraud are also increasing.
Cyber criminals have made a concerted effort to get fake apps downloaded onto users’ smartphones using Facebook ads.
government steps
I4C, the cyber security wing of the Home Ministry, has made major efforts to curb cyber crimes. Recently, the government blocked thousands of WhatsApp accounts. These accounts were operating from international numbers and were being used in digital fraud to target Indian users.
WhatsApp: an attractive target for cyber criminals
WhatsApp has more than 2.95 billion active users globally, making it the world’s most widely used instant messaging app. Its popularity is unmatched in India, where millions of people use it daily. This broad user base makes it an attractive target for cybercriminals.
Government and security agencies are taking strict steps to curb cyber crimes. Users are advised to remain cautious and avoid unauthorized links and suspicious calls.