Cyprus could be a target! – Cyprus Newspaper

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2024-10-03 05:23:11

Cyprus could be a target! – Cyprus Newspaper

Association of Academies. Dr. Sait Akşit and Association. Dr. Muhittin Tolga Özsağlam assessed the possible effects of the latest developments in the Middle East on the island of Cyprus.

There are risks associated with supporting Israel… Head of Department for International Relations NEU. Dr. Sait Akşit noted that there could be a risk of targeting Cyprus, considering the support given to Israel through South Cyprus and the use of the ports.

The relationship between the South and Israel is a goal… EUL Faculty Member Association. Dr. Muhittin Tolga Özsağlam said, “All the military forces on the island are the forces of NATO member states or EU members who accept NATO policies. “When South Cyprus’ special relationship with Israel is added to this, it becomes a target for Iran and Hezbollah.” he said.


The missiles launched by Iran against Israel from Cyprus the previous evening were also seen. Many citizens from the TRNC and Southern Cyprus shared the images of the missiles that they recorded with their mobile phones.

Although it is known that Iran has a ‘threatening’ attitude towards countries that support Israel; Since the South of Cyprus has opened its ports to several countries that support Israel, the point of ‘focusing on the island of Cyprus’ was put on the agenda.

The sight of missiles in the skies of Cyprus the previous evening raised the question: “Can Cyprus join the war?” Recalling the question; The point of how the events in the Middle East will affect the curiosity aroused TRNC.

Near East University (NEU) Head of the Department of International Relations and Director of the Energy Strategy and Policy Research Centre. Dr. Sait Akşit and Lefke Member of the Faculty of the European University Association. Dr. Muhittin Tolga Özsağlam assessed the latest developments for the CYPRUS correspondent.

Akşit: There is a risk that Cyprus will also be targeted

Society. Dr. Sait Akşit pointed out that the film showing the missiles sent by Iran against Israel, seen from Cyprus, reminds us that the island is not far from the conflict zone and said, “At this point, there is a risk that Cyprus will take part in the war. low. However, taking the war to another dimension, the British bases in Cyprus and the actions of the US and its allied countries on the Greek Cypriot side (the use of the ports and support given to Israel through Cyprus) will risk focus on Cyprus as well.” he said.

Akşit said that the threat of Iran and the groups supported by Iran on the countries that support Israel has not gone away and he said, “We should not forget the statements of Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasarallah, who was killed by Israel, in June. “It would be wrong to expect potential attacks to be missile attacks, and if the war spreads, it would be wrong to expect it to be limited to the geography of the Middle East. ” he said.

Drawing attention to the possible effects of war, said Assoc. Dr. Akşit answered the question of whether what is happening has evolved into a major war in the Middle East as follows:

“We are now on the verge of an all-out war in the Middle East; We are not yet at the top of their game. Iranian officials said that, following a missile attack the previous day, Israel had targeted strategic military facilities in response to the killing of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Iran, and that Western officials had been informed of the attacks, indicating that Iran remains wary of the attacks. spread of the war. “The fact that the officials of the United States confirmed this shows that the parties do not want to spread the war.”

“Middle East conflicts may deepen”

Akşit said that Israel is the important factor at this point and said: “Israeli attacks targeting Hezbollah and Hezbollah leaders are an approach that narrows the line between a regional war and a limited conflict. In fact, it should be said that the Netanyahu government made the Iranian missile attacks inevitable with the recent attacks. “We can even say that Israeli attacks make Iran look weak and irresponsible, and will encourage Iran in this way.” he said.

Pointing out that Israel’s attacks on Lebanon will be important in determining the direction of the war, Akşit said, “We see that the leaders of the Arab world are still relatively irresponsible in the Israel-Hamas war, expecting the influence of Hamas to weaken. and Iran, which is not welcome in the region. However, Saudi Arabia’s statement that it will support Lebanon in the Israeli-Lebanese war could cause the conflicts in the Middle East to spread and deepen further. “We’re not at this point yet.” he emphasized.

Akşit expressed his predictions about how events in the Middle East will affect the TRNC as follows:

“The war will primarily get the TRNC out of control economically. Economic structure is already in trouble. Of course, potential tensions in Turkey’s relations with its Western allies could add to the trouble. “The threat perception of increasing Greek Cypriot pro-Israeli policies will not only have a negative impact on the Cypriot side, but will also have a negative impact on the TRNC.”

Özsağlam: A wave of migration could hit Cyprus

Association of European University Lecturers Lefke. Dr. Muhittin Tolga Özsağlam said that he had previously said that the island of Cyprus is in the middle of the conflict zone, called the Middle East, in other words, between the Maghreb and the Levant, and he said, “The island of Cyprus will be affected by these conflicts somehow, economically and socially, that is, from Lebanon and Palestine. he said.

Özsağlam said that the island is made up entirely of NATO military forces or that NATO policies are supported through the European Union and continue as follows:

“We are now talking about a Cyprus that is very different from the 1960s and 1970s. In the past, both the West and the Eastern Union had a distant approach to the Non-Aligned Movement! Now the situation has changed… All the military forces on the island are the forces of NATO member states or EU members who accept NATO policies. Add to this the special relationship the Southern Cypriot leadership has established with Israel, it naturally becomes a target for Iran and Hezbollah in this regard! In addition, the UK’s position on the island is also clear.”

Özsağlam pointed out the danger of the ballistic missiles in Iran’s possession and said, “I have to point out that ballistic missiles such as Kadir-110 and Secil have a range as far as Cyprus. biological, nuclear or chemical. In such a situation, even shelters may not be enough.” he emphasized.

Speaking about some photos and videos that citizens saw in the air this evening, Özsağlam said, “There are question marks and different claims about where exactly they aimed. One of those allegations is that an Israeli ship was targeted in the Mediterranean. Of course, there could be information corruption in such a process.” he said.

“We are moving towards the end of humanity”

Özsağlam pointed out that information pollution also increases when a war or a low-intensity war begins.

He said that it would be clearer in the coming days where the war would lead and he continued with the following words:

“There is now an Israeli administration that is so arrogant that they will not hesitate to prevent the Secretary General of the United Nations from entering Israel again! As I mentioned in my previous statements, we need to make a special evaluation between the Jews and the Netanyahu administration in Israel… Here, too, I criticized the arrogant policy of the mob that Netanyahu’s administration did against the Palestinian people and the Lebanese. Humanity is going through a process of trying to implement economic and geopolitical interests through an autocratic approach. This is a difficult process. This process proves to us that the neo-liberal policies that were tried to be implemented after the Cold War are also bankrupt… It is not the end of history on earth, but we are moving towards the end of humanity. In this regard, I believe that the role of international institutions and foreign policies and political economy should be reconsidered for the benefit of humanity.”

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