Czech! Gold card privileges “Screening 4 cancers” to receive the anti-cancer day

by time news

“December 10, National Anti-Cancer Day” NHSO organizes screening benefits for 4 malignant cancers cervical cancer colon cancer oral cancer and breast cancer ready to organize service “Cancer service wherever available” Help cancer patients access to treatment early.

cancer is Abnormal cell growth diseasebecomecancerthat invades and destroys nearby tissues and can spread to other organs Both are diseases that are the leading cause of death. of the world population including Thailand

According to the National Cancer Institute, in 2018, there were 381 new cancer cases in Thailand per day or 139,206 people per year, and information from the Strategic and Planning Division. Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Health There are 230 Thai deaths reported per day or 84,073 people per year.

The 5 most common cancers are:

  1. Liver cancer and bile duct cancer
  2. lung cancer
  3. Colorectal cancer
  4. breast cancer
  5. cervical cancer

In order to make Thai people aware of the prevention and reduction of the risk of cancer, on December 10 of every year, the Department of Medical Services, Ministry of Public Health, defines “National Cancer Day”

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Dr. Chadet Thamthatchaaree, Secretary-General of the National Health Security Office (NHSO.) said, althoughcancerIt is a serious disease and has a very high mortality rate. But in some cancers, it can be cured if found in the early stages and treated before it spreads. Therefore, under the National Health Security Fund or “Golden Card Fund 30 baht” has been packaged.cancer screeningIt is a service benefit consisting of

Cervical cancer screening service It is a cancer that is most commonly detected in Thai women. Caused by HPV But it can be cured if detected in the early stages. This service covers taking care of people aged 30-59 or aged 15-29 who have sex at a young age. or having sex with multiple partners, etc.

by being able to receive the serviceCervical cancer screeningIt can be done by Pap Smear or Screening Method (VIA) or by HPV DNA Test which are effective and highly accurate screening methods for cervical cancer. with the right to receive a screening service 1 time every 5 years and for the fiscal year 2023, the NHSO has a service target of 1,262,691 people. for female students in Grade 5 to prevent cervical cancer

servecolon cancer screeningand the rectum, if detected in the early stages, the treatment will have good results. For people aged 50-70 years by the method of detecting latent blood in the stool (FIT Test) 1 time every 2 years. If abnormal results are confirmed by endoscopy and biopsy by year 2023 set a service target of 750,076

Service system “Cancer can receive services anywhere in the country”

Lesion screening servicecancer riskandoral cancer Because Thai people are more prone to oral cancer. Most of the patients who went to the doctor were in a state of progression. Screening services for cancer-risk lesions and oral cancer are therefore patient searches. Reduce new patients Make access to treatment in the early stages. At the same time, the cost of treatment in the disease can spread, the NHSO board therefore included it as a service benefit on December 9, 2021, so that people aged 40 years and over were screened once a year by 2023. There are 59,010 service targets.

There are also benefits for the BRCA1/BRCA2 gene testing service in the group.breast cancer patientsat high risk and direct relatives with a family history of mutated genes In which breast cancer is found in Thai women, the highest number 1 in order for those at risk to receive appropriate care andprevent cancerin the future, as well as reducing the rate of death and illness. The NHSO board has included it as a service benefit on December 9, 2021, and in this year 2023, the NHSO has set a service target of 2,713 people.

Dr. Chadet said that in the case of the examination resultscancer screeningIf at risk or cancer is found at any stageGold card 30 baht can use the right to receive medical treatment In the past, from the policy to upgrade the gold card to a new generation of health insurance. has developed a service system “Cancer can receive services anywhere in the country” (CA anywhere) so that the patient can receive treatment as soon as possible Covering the entire cancer treatment service, 11 disease groups, 21 protocols

Telehealth service, Tele pharmacy consultation service and Home Chemotherapy, which was established on January 1, 2021 with the cooperation of the Department of Medical Services. Currently, there are more than 900 participating service units and more than 220,000 cancer patients have received services.

“In the past, there wascancer patientsIn the past, the NHSO has organized cancer benefits covering both screening that increases the chance of cure and medical treatment that is costly. Whether it is a surgical service, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and targeted drugs, etc., it allows cancer patients to receive good care and access to services, ”said the secretary-general of the NHSO.

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