Da Nang: The fight against corruption has made many changes | Law

by time news

2023-07-05 15:41:13

Session scene. (Photo: Quoc Dung/VNA)

On the afternoon of July 5, the Steering Committee Da Nang City Party Committee come back room, Anti-corruptionnegative held the fourth plenary session.

The meeting aimed to discuss and evaluate the results of the Steering Committee’s work in the first 6 months of the year, the progress of the implementation of the proposed tasks and give opinions on the key tasks of the last 6 months of 2023.

In the first 6 months of the year, the Steering Committee, the Standing Committee of the Steering Committee held regular, methodical and thorough meetings and meetings; promptly institutionalize central documents on the prevention and combat of corruption and negativity; there are many creative ways in disseminating, thoroughly grasping, propagating and training new guidelines and regulations of the Central Government on anti-corruption and anti-corruption.

The Steering Committee promotes the role of elected bodies, the Fatherland Front, the press and the people, contributing to raising the awareness of cadres, party members and the responsibilities of the heads of agencies and units in the field of law. anti-corruption and negative work.

The Steering Committee issues and implements the inspection and supervision plan, focusing on areas prone to corruption, negativity, outstanding and pressing issues in the locality, especially directing and urging , supervise the implementation of inspection conclusions, audit, enforcement of judgments; direct the detection and strict handling of corrupt behaviornegative.

Coordination between the prosecuting agencies is getting closer and closer. The perception and application of the law to handle cases is more consistent; especially the difficulties in the assessment and valuation of assets have changed positively. The progress of the settlement of cases under the supervision and direction of the Steering Committee is shortened.

The fight against corruption and negativity in Da Nang city has seen many changes and is more effective, initially promoting the effectiveness of the prevention work, creating a positive spillover, gaining the people’s consensus. love, support.

Up to now, the People’s Court of Da Nang city has brought to trial 4 out of 10 cases under the supervision and direction of the Steering Committee. Cases of corruption and positions where the amount of property lost or appropriated is more than 150.2 billion dong; the amount of corruption in bribery cases is more than 3.37 billion dong.

During the settlement process, the authorities have recovered and blocked accounts for more than 129.3 billion VND, reaching 85.9% and petitioned the competent authorities to recover more than 3,000m2 of land.

At the meeting, the Steering Committee discussed and gave opinions on the following issues: difficulties and obstacles in the implementation of inspection and audit conclusions in the city; report on the progress of cases and cases under the Steering Committee for monitoring and directing in the first 6 months of 2023; adding a case to the category of the Steering Committee for monitoring and directing; draft Report on the 2-year preliminary review of the implementation of Resolution No. 04-NQ/TU of the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee on strengthening the leadership of the Party in detecting and handling corruption cases and cases, position; Report on the performance results of the Standing Committee of the Steering Committee, the Standing Body of the Steering Committee and the results of handling applications and letters related to anti-corruption and anti-corruption work in the first 6 months of 2023.

[IMF: Việt Nam đã có nỗ lực mạnh mẽ trong phòng chống tham nhũng]

Concluding the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Van Quang, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the City Party Committee, Head of the City’s National Assembly Delegation, Head of the Steering Committee of the Da Nang City Party Committee on anti-corruption, negatively acknowledged the Positive results have been achieved after 1 year of establishing the Steering Committee.

Especially, with the efforts and determination of the Steering Committee, the members, the Standing Body of the Steering Committee, the prosecution agencies and relevant agencies and units have discovered many cases and cases. serious corruption and speeding up the handling of cases and cases under the supervision and direction of the Steering Committee. The activities of the Steering Committee have been put into order and have been effective in fighting and preventing corrupt and negative acts.

In the coming time, the Secretary of the City Party Committee asked the Party Personnel Committee of the City People’s Committee to focus on directing the implementation of recommendations according to the conclusions of the Government Inspector, the State Audit under the city’s jurisdiction. handle.

The Organization Department of the City Party Committee advises documents on strengthening the leadership of Party committees at all levels, correcting the situation of avoidance, expulsion and fear of responsibility among cadres and party members. The Standing Body of the Steering Committee continues to monitor, urge and advise the Steering Committee to promptly handle difficulties and problems.

In addition, the Secretary of the City Party Committee suggested that Party committees at all levels regularly pay attention to propaganda, education and management of cadres and party members to prevent corruption and negativity; attaching “build to fight,” “build to fight,” taking prevention as the main thing and doing good prevention “will have to fight less and fight more effectively.”

In addition to focusing on strictly dealing with corrupt and negative acts, Secretary of the Party Committee of Da Nang Note that it is necessary to continue to do well in asset recovery, propose central agencies to perfect institutions, policies and laws to overcome loopholes and shortcomings, contributing to the prevention of corruption and negativity. .

Quoc Dung (VNA/Vietnam+)

#Nang #fight #corruption #Law

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