Dabour said he understood his mistake

by time news

The Israeli team hoped to open its campaign in the League of Nations tonight (Thursday) with a home win at the Sami Ofer Stadium over Iceland, but will settle for a 2-2 draw after a dramatic equalizer by Sean Weissman in the 84th minute.

Solomon Manor He said at the end: “We started the game well, we led, then we slowed down and got a goal. We hesitantly opened the second half and absorbed, then we pressed and pressed and achieved the equalizer. I think we deserved to win. “

The national campaign after Iceland

On his significance for the team, Solomon said: “I want to help the team in everything I can, it’s true that I’m not 200 percent because I did not play regularly, but I trained like a donkey to be fit and help the team as much as possible. I want to say thank you to the fans who were amazing despite the problems with public transport and came in droves and I hope this matter works out ”.

Sampstead vs. Manor Solomon (Omri Stein)

On the contemptuous calls to Mons Dabour, Solomon said: “As a team we really like Mons. He also apologized to us, loving him and knowing he wanted to be here and hoping the contempt would stop. This is a first game, there are things we did not do well. We will come more prepared and I believe it can be done. “

Eli Desa, Who served as the team captain, said: “As soon as we scored a goal, Alon’s instruction was to push even further. We did not do that nor did we know how to keep the gate behind the gate unfortunately. Too bad. We’ll have to improve it. We will need to know how to stand strong and stable. We can further correct this because the house is quite equal in level, we will have to bring the points in the away games. We had good football despite everything and we will try to continue like this. Mons took the contempt from the crowd harder this time because he opened up to us this week and talked about it openly, so I hope it stops because it does not work in favor of the team. “We have a tendency to underestimate other teams, perhaps, but Albania is an excellent team.”

Eli Desa (Omri Stein)Eli Desa (Omri Stein)

Weissman He shared at the end: “I am very disappointed in myself, happy with the goal, it reaches the audience. They were amazing today, were with us with all their might even behind. There is a sense of missing out, but we will take the point and must keep coming and winning. The family in the stands? Great fun, especially after not seeing them for two weeks, my goal is to bring happiness to those close to me and I am happy. “

The striker added: “I am very happy to be here, I feel I am coming in nice shape. Always want to lead and influence. I’m glad I came in in the 60th minute, I only did 1/3 and I will continue to work and maximize my abilities to as many goals as possible. I will not sleep tonight probably, tomorrow is a new day and let’s continue to leverage because we have a good team and I am proud to wear her uniform. “Mons Dabour spoke to the players and said he was sorry and understood the mistake, I’m really happy about the encouragement of the amazing crowd and that needs to be leveraged.”

Sean Weissman Celebrates (Omri Stein)Sean Weissman Celebrates (Omri Stein)

Along with big saves, goalkeeper Ophir Marciano made a big mistake that led to the Icelanders’ first goal. Marciano He shared at the end: “An inappropriate mistake. We’ll sit, analyze, see what I did wrong and try to avoid it later. It hurts because it changed the outcome, on the other hand I was there when they needed me. We will analyze and see what can be improved for the next game. “

The goalkeeper added: “A mixed feeling. It’s a house that is close and every point is important, all the teams are equal, I think we could have both won and lost. We came and played football, tried to initiate and also knew how to come back and almost win. We will take the good things and the least good we will learn. “

Regarding the players, Marciano said: “For me, everyone who plays for the team is here to help him, whoever played today did a great job. The stadium in Albania that Feyenoord played in? Hopefully we can win there and that it will be closing a circle for me. “Face Albania, we will recover, rest, we will learn the game.”

Legson subdues Marciano (Omri Stein)Legson subdues Marciano (Omri Stein)

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