“Dad failed me in an exam and mom died too soon” – time.news

by time news
from Matteo Cruccu

The actor talks about himself in the round, revealing details about his family. And retracing his cult characters, from Manuel Fantoni to Sora Lella ”

“Enough of this story that I’m a hypochondriac,” he blurts out decidedly. But, as usual, he can’t be really serious. And the alleged anger soon fades into the laughter that we all know him: it is the first of some surprises that Carlo Verdone will reserve for us, in the attic on the Janiculum, from the splendid terrace where ideally embraces all of his Rome. Yes, the man who (apparently) feared disease, at 71, just caught Covid.

“Nothing really. The story of my hypochondria is a legend that must be debunked forever. I’m just an expert who starts studying in the evening, every now and then they ask me for some opinion and every now and then I get it right “.

However, Covid made her postpone her last film for a long time, You only live oncea history of doctors, moreover …

“We were with the mask in the poster … Covid penalized the room above all, sending many people to the streets”.

Twenty years ago, in this newspaper, the problems were different: you and Alberto Sordi were discussing the advisability of making a film about the Risorgimento. Yes, Sordi, who has always been considered his putative father. Bulky definition?

“No, I just never dared to call myself his heir. The Roman spirit unites us, but we had different styles ».

Some say you didn’t get along on set: you only made two films together, in fact.

«They even said we hated each other … but go, he was a special friend. Do you see that orchid? He gave it to me in 1986 when my daughter Giulia was born, one evening when she came with Sergio Leone and Pippo Baudo. She is still there and reminds me of it every day. “

From putative fathers to real ones: hers, Mario, a professor at the university, rejected an exam

«History of cinema: I had asked him not to ask me about the Expressionists, but about Fellini and Neorealism. He asked me about the Expressionists, of course: rejected. “I couldn’t have made a difference, Carlo”, rigorous as always. At dinner, however, I sent him to that country. “

His mother Rossana, a high school teacher, of a completely different kind …

“If I talk about cinema I owe it to her who has always encouraged me. Too bad she left so early, at the age of 59, in 1985, due to a neurodegenerative disease ».

Yep, it was very difficult for her at the height of her career

“Four years of hell: in the morning I used to go around Water and soapin the evening I had to go to her in the clinic, a torture ».

He separated from his wife in 1996: after her the flood, he never remarried

“No, but that doesn’t mean he’s alone.”

Before Water and soap
, Borotalco: Forty years have passed since the film and the legendary Manuel Fantoni, the one who shot her big …

«Mythomaniacs, megalomaniacs, cazzaroni as we say, how many I have met. Today, however, it is more difficult, before there was “the” character, today they think they are everything and in the end nobody is, with the same tattoos, the same hair, the same clothes. They don’t stand out ».

In these times of horrendous war in the East, Enzo di sadly comes back to mind A lot nice who was going to Poland to conquer girls in nylon stockings

“All wars are bad, but this one is particularly hydrophobic. However, to find Enzo, today one would have to go to Dubai, the “broccoloni” are there ».

It is true that Sergio Leone, producer of White, Red and Verdone
did not like the pedantic Furio husband of Magda?

“He said he was going to make the movie fail and people would want to cut his head off. But then he changed his mind. “

«One evening Sordi, Monica Vitti and, who knows why, Falcao came to see him. At the end Albertone got up and hugged me: “Make kisses. And that husband … “. And yet Vitti was dying of laughing “what a masterpiece that husband”. Leone calmed down, “they were right” ».

Mario Brega or Sora Lella, who do you miss the most?

«The Sora Lella. Mario Brega, if he turned to him, was able to say after twenty minutes “But who is Mr. Verdone?”. Sora Lella is the grandmother that every boy would like to have and who no longer exists ».

Two Roman champions: but, as in his latest series, Life as a Carlowould the mayor of your city do it?

“No thanks. Why should I ruin my life? “

In conclusion, the worst thing of the last twenty years?

«When I could not walk, for my hips without cartilage, eight years of ordeal.».

“My children. Serious, educated, good at their jobs, different from mine, she is a nutritionist, he is an official. I often ask them for advice, with the maturity they have. Certainly superior to mine ».

April 13, 2022 (change April 14, 2022 | 14:51)

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