Dallagnol asks Moraes to resume trial of action against Lula’s minister – News

by time news

Federal deputy Deltan Dallagnol (Podemos-PR) sent a letter to Minister Alexandre de Moraes, of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), in which he asks for the resumption of the trial of a case related to the Minister of Integration and Regional Development, Waldez Góes, who was convicted of the crime of embezzlement at the time he was governor of Amapá.

In 2019, the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) sentenced Góes to a sentence of almost seven years in prison, loss of office, fine and restitution to the treasury in the amount of BRL 6.3 million for embezzlement in administrative acts from 2009 to 2010 .

In the same year, Góes’ defense appealed to the STF to annul the conviction. President of the Supreme Court at the time, Dias Toffoli granted a preliminary injunction favorable to the former governor’s request.

The case was brought to trial in the 1st Panel of the Supreme Court in 2021, and two ministers voted to overturn Toffoli’s decision. The analysis, however, was interrupted after the request for a review by Moraes, who wanted more time to evaluate the case.

In the letter prepared by Dallagnol, the deputy asks for “a swift and definitive position” of the STF “in view of the recent appointment of a convicted person to the position of Minister of State and the commitments of the Brazilian State against deviations from public function”.

Read more: Transparency International criticizes the appointment of Waldez Góes to National Integration

“A quick and diligent response, respecting the fundamental rights of the defendants and the due process of law, is the best way to ensure the constitutional commandments of probity in Public Administration”, says Dallagnol.

The minister’s defense told the R7 who “wants the case to be ruled out soon, as he is convinced that with the established jurisprudence that there is no crime when the manager uses resources to pay obligations such as payroll, health, education, etc., to the detriment of banks”.

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