Damian Knyba “Polish Hussar” is a new hope for Polish success in the heavyweight division

by time news

Polish Heritage Night was held for the fifth time at the Prudential Center arena in Newark, NJ

On March 30, during a game in which the New Jersey Devils defeated the NY Rangers 2-1.

The special guest of the event was the Polish boxer Damian Knyba, also known as Polish Husarz.

We managed to ask Damian a few questions.

ND: Damian, you’re preparing for the Top Rank fight on April 8 at the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ against Curtis Harper. Please tell me how the preparations are progressing, what are you working on in particular now?

DK: I’ve been in the States for five weeks now, my preparation period is almost over, the last week before the fight is the week where I want to “get fresh” and focus. I was sparring for four weeks, I had very good partners, I had twelve units a week so I am very well prepared and I think I will show it in the fight.

ND: And where is it better to train in Poland or in the States?

DK: I have really good training conditions in Poland, but I miss sparring-partners, so in this respect, training in the States is better, because sparring is really very important.

ND: Could you tell us at what age and what made you interested in boxing? Who was your idol? Are you more like Mike Tyson or Lennox Lewis?

DK: I started training boxing at the age of twenty, before that I trained track and field, but really since I was a child I dreamed of becoming a boxer. While training in athletics, I realized that even if I became an Olympic champion, it wouldn’t give me as much joy as boxing, so I decided to take a chance and try it. Everything started to go well, I started to be successful.

My idol at the beginning was Mike Tyson, although I’m very far from him in terms of style, so maybe closer to Lewis, although it’s also a bit different style. But in the beginning Mike Tyson actually gave me a lot of motivation.

ND: And what does an average day of a Polish boxer look like?

DK: In the morning, like everyone else, I get up and make myself breakfast, then I watch boxing fights and prepare for training. Then I go to training. Here in the states it takes me almost an hour each way to commute. After boxing training, it’s time for lunch and a moment of rest, in the afternoon I train at the gym.

ND: So, on average, how many hours a day do you train intensively?

DK: I train about three to four hours a day.

ND: Damian, tell us where the nickname “Polish Hussar” comes from?

DK: I am very proud of my origin, being Polish gives me great motivation and I hope that I will be such a power in boxing as the Polish hussars were during the fights.

ND: Finally, I would like to ask if you have any advice or tips for young boxers who are wondering whether it is worth choosing this sport?

DK: They must definitely train hard and consistently and never give up, and boxing is a good choice.

ND: Thank you for the interview, we wish you good luck and we keep our fingers crossed for the fight on April 8th.

Joanna Macioszek talked to Damian Knyba

Photos: Jacek Dolata

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