Damián Zepeda makes a request to the PAN to elect its leadership

by times news cr

Damian Zepeda launched a petition today, Thursday, August 8, to the National Action Party‍ (PAN) ⁢ on the ⁤occasion of the election of its leadership.

This follows the Commission tasked with carrying out the internal election process defining‍ the guidelines​ for candidates. The legislator requested that the Commission reconsider ⁣ this situation.

It is worth noting that Senator Damian ‌Zepeda himself had announced his candidacy, but stated that the election⁣ of the PAN leadership represents an opportunity ⁣for the political institution and its supporters.

Damian Zepeda launches petition to the PAN for the ⁤process of electing its​ leadership

After the⁤ PAN’s ‍internal election organizing committee defined the ⁢participation requirements,⁣ Damián ⁤Zepeda made a request in this ⁤regard.

According to the⁤ established rules,⁢ only PAN ⁢members will⁣ be ⁢able to participate in the process of replacing the party’s presidency.

This differs from the possibility that Zepeda himself and other PAN ⁤members had proposed, which would ‌have opened the leadership race to society in general.

For this reason,⁢ the senator urged the Commission to ‍ reflect ⁤on this situation, arguing that this window is an opportunity for the party to be open to citizenship.

Otherwise, Damian Zepeda‍ warned that a mistake would be ⁢made, as it would be a ⁣close election.

That is to say,⁤ it⁤ would be limiting the possibility for PAN supporters to ⁢become involved in the future of ⁢the political institution.

“My request is⁣ that ⁢they reconsider. That they look at society, that they understand that you cannot pretend,​ that you cannot say that you want to open the party and then close it. It is a mistake to​ want to make a ⁤decision internally, closed, with a controlled‌ registry.”

Damian Zepeda

Damian Zepeda (Maria Jose Martinez / Cuartoscuro)

New PAN ⁤leader ‌to be elected at the polls; this will be the date

The Commission⁢ tasked with carrying out the elections for the ⁤PAN leadership confirmed today that the process will take place at the polls.

That is, it‌ will ​be a choice open to all panistas so that⁤ they can participate in the election​ of their new party president.

According to the members of the Commission, it is estimated that ⁤there are around 270⁣ thousand militants who will participate in the internal‌ elections⁢ to choose Marko Cortés’ replacement.

In this regard,‍ it was scheduled for the next Sunday,‌ November 10, 2024 the election process,‍ as well as defining the manner⁣ in which the winner will be chosen.

This is because the⁤ statutes of the PAN establish that the winning slate has to obtain an absolute majority of votes representing 37%.

In addition, the⁣ winners must end up with a minimum difference of​ five points percentages ⁤with respect to those in second place.

Damián Zepeda makes a request to the PAN to elect its leadership

PAN (Yazmin⁢ Betancurt/SDPnoticias.com)

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