Damiano Carrara and his wife reveal the sex of the baby, the pastry-themed gender reveal. VIDEO

by time news

Damiano Carrara He’s in seventh heaven. The competitor of Beijing Expressbeloved face of Bake Off Italy – Desserts in the oven, is about to become a father. In August, the wife Chiara Maggenti will give birth to their baby girl.

Damiano Carrara and Chiara Maggenti reveal the sex of the baby

On the notes of She’s The One by Robbie Williams, Damiano Carrara and his wife discovered they were expecting a girl. “How many times have we asked ourselves if the greatest love of our life would have been a he or a she”, they wrote on Instagram, telling how much in recent months they have fantasized, dreamed and waited with trepidation. They chose to find out the sex of the baby within the walls of their home, together with their trusty dog ​​Paco. On the table, one torta. The most important and significant of their existence. The cream, delicate rosarevealed the arrival of one girl. “You will be the greatest love of our lives, our little one. Mom and dad can’t wait to meet you and hold you tight”: with these words, the couple concluded a video that went viral. Many comments from VIP friends, from Fabio Caressa and Barbara Petrillo (also competitors of Beijing Expresslike Damiano) to fellow chefs from Carrara.

Life projects

What will the baby’s name be? Damiano and Chiara don’t know it yet. As revealed in a long interview with Chi, Chiara would like to decide this at the time of birth. Damiano, on the other hand, would like to do it immediately. Also because he has already invented a sweet for daughter. And, now, she would like to “baptize” him. Moreover, the pastry chef confessed to being “screwed”: he already knows that the will spoil Very. While the wife will try to be one mother present and friendof help and support. Exactly what her mother is to her. “We got together to create a family, we have grown even more as a couple and work strengthens us in terms of trust and complicity”, she said. While the face of Bake Off Italia he defined it as amazing, full of ideas. His right and left shoulder which, now, is about to make him a father.

in-depth analysis

“Bake off Italy”, Damiano Carrara opens his first atelier in Lucca

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