Dan Halutz compared Netanyahu to Hitler: “This is very relevant”

by time news

Former Chief of Staff Dan Halutz has been frequently interviewed since Justice Minister Yariv Levin began promoting his reform of the justice system, and sometimes makes controversial statements. Halutz was interviewed today (Saturday) by Shabbartu in Rishon Lezion and harshly criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and The reform.

“It’s not reluctance”

Halutz explained his last words during his speech: “My words that if the legal revolution passes I will not stand up for the war jumped those who do not serve, so I suggest that they jump as much as they want. You have to be blind not to see the messages the members of the security establishment who serve in the reserves are conveying: we We will not serve in the reserves under a dictatorship. Period. The pain for them is enormous, between their desire to continue doing what is asked of them and their inability to trust the decision makers that they will not send them on missions that serve the agendas of delusional people in the system.”

The former Chief of Staff explained that this is not about refusal. “This is not refusal. Refusal is where a democratic government has decided a political decision. On the other hand, if a dictatorial government has decided, a person enlisting in the service can choose. Will they have to fly tomorrow morning? They will fly, because for now there is no dictatorship. Meanwhile”.

He also said that he had not felt such great anxiety since the Yom Kippur War: “I don’t sleep at night.”

Halutz called on ministers Galant, Dichter and Barkat to “wake up and be loyal to the values ​​that Orem commanded fighters. They are people who ran away from their values ​​because of political opportunism. Each of them thinks he will be prime minister. They live in a parallel world that ignores the developing reality.”

Yoav Galant Photo: Ariel Harmoni, Ministry of Defense

“Netanyahu’s conduct today proves that he is not an Israeli patriot”

“Netanyahu is no longer an Israeli patriot,” Halutz stated. “He is Israeli, but as far as he is concerned, let the state go. His wife said it in 1999, and since then it has only gotten stronger. Hitler also said it in 1920, but he only became ruler in 1933. What does this have to do with it? I am not comparing him to him, but to tell me that something was said In 1999, is he not relevant? It is very relevant. The whole conduct proves that it is very relevant. Netanyahu’s conduct today proves that he is not an Israeli patriot.”

Tonight, for the ninth week in a row, the protest against the reform continues: “We will increase the protest until we succeed in convincing. I do not envy the police and my heart is saddened by any incident where they are forced to use force. And I understand them, they need to clear Ayalon Road and we want to close Ayalon . Why? The flag of this government was Shiloh. They don’t govern when roads are closed, when the trains are running and the traffic jams are in full swing. The demonstrations will intensify until we reach half a million or 750 thousand who come to Jerusalem and close it from all directions. We have one goal: that the legislation be stopped and the government come to its senses.”

Regarding National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, he said: “Ben Gvir is a baby who was kidnapped in a toy store. Who is this man?

Regarding Justice Minister Yariv Levin, he said: “Yriv Levin is a transformer, he has no expression inside. He says he is ready to talk but is not ready to stop the process.

Rival Levin | Photo: Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90

He said about Knesset member Zvika Fogel and Minister of Education Yoav Kish: “Not everyone is successful in all their choices in life. I am also responsible for the fact that Miri Regev is a lieutenant colonel in the IDF. Not all of us were successful in choosing the people who stood by us along the way. Zvika Fogel needs very specific psychological therapy to get all kinds of delusional thoughts out of his head. Anyone who agrees to be in Ben Gvir’s party has a scratch.”

Likud: “These are open incitements to murder”

The Likud issued a statement in response to Halutz’s remarks, also on Saturday: “Dan Halutz, who sold his stocks on the eve of the Second Lebanon War, accuses Prime Minister Netanyahu, a bereaved brother, a fighter and a commander in a general patrol who was wounded in the Sabana hostage rescue operation, of lack of patriotism. After Sharon Tsur and Ta In response to Assaf Agmon comparing the Prime Minister and his wife to the Ceausescu couple, who were taken out to be killed in front of a firing squad, Dan Halutz continues the delusional and dangerous line of incitement and compares Prime Minister Netanyahu to Hitler. These are open incitements to murder.
Where has the law enforcement system gone?”

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