Dan Yerushalmi, CEO of Authentics, Reflects on the Importance of Comfort in Job Interviews and the Influence it has on Hiring Success

by time news

Authentics CEO, Dan Yerushalmi, recently shared his experiences in job interviews and how they shaped his approach to hiring at Authentics. Yerushalmi, who previously held senior positions in various Israeli companies, including Amdocs, Bank Leumi, and Check Point, spoke about the importance of creating a comfortable atmosphere during interviews.

Yerushalmi recalled a defining interview with Rakfat Rusk Aminach, the former CEO of Bank Leumi. He admitted feeling uncomfortable at first due to the luxurious office and impressive presence of Aminach. However, Aminach quickly made him feel at ease by asking about him as a person, rather than solely focusing on his professional accomplishments.

The experience left a lasting impact on Yerushalmi, leading him to prioritize creating a comfortable environment for job candidates. He believes that without breaking down barriers, it can be difficult to truly assess a person’s abilities and potential.

As a hiring manager, Yerushalmi asks candidates about their most significant career success and their most disappointing failure. He pays close attention to their response time, believing that it reveals more about their character and mindset than the content of their answer. Yerushalmi encourages candidates to take a moment to think before answering, rather than rushing to respond.

Yerushalmi also spoke about his own failures, including a project worth hundreds of millions that he had believed was secured, only to discover it had been awarded to competitors. He emphasized the importance of learning from failures and discussed how his experiences have shaped his perspective on work and life.

When asked about himself in job interviews, Yerushalmi provides a comprehensive overview of his life, including his upbringing in a low socio-economic status, his education in various fields, and his extensive international experience. He also mentioned personal motivations for returning to work after a period of retirement, including the loss of both his parents.

Yerushalmi, who is a father to two daughters, expressed his love for sports, the sea, and spending time with friends. He also admitted to being addicted to TikTok, particularly enjoying the platform’s AI engine and diverse content.

Looking ahead, Yerushalmi expressed his desire to create success and significant growth at Authentics, while also making a positive impact on every employee. Reflecting on his personal journey and late start in certain aspects of life, he emphasized the importance of knowing where one has come from in order to determine where they want to go.

Yerushalmi’s insights provide valuable perspectives on job interviews and the importance of creating a comfortable environment for both candidates and hiring managers. With his experiences shaping his hiring approach at Authentics, it will be interesting to see how this philosophy influences the company’s future success.

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