Dances and rafting. What do they have in common? – DW – 11/21/2022

by time news

Contemporary dance and timber rafting are vying for inclusion on the World Intangible Cultural Heritage List in 2022. Germany sent both applications to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Modern dance

Why modern dance? At the same time, to be honest, it is no longer so modern. It’s not about hip-hop or breakdancing. Modern dance, which claims to be included in the Cultural Heritage List, is a style that arose in the 20s of the last century, which became the embodiment of the emancipation and emancipation of the body and soul.

Mary WigmanФото: picture-alliance/akg-images/G. Schuetz

“Pioneer of modern dance” called the legendary German dancer and choreographer Mary Wigman (Mary Wigman, 1886-1973). Her motto was: “There is no dance without ecstasy!”. The contemporary dance nomination “brought confidence and excitement to the professional community and showed once again that dance has an outstanding power to bring people together,” said Michael Freundt, head of the German Dance Association.

Along with expressive dance, a rather old craft, timber rafting, claims the title of world intangible heritage. The “golden” years of timber rafting in Europe fell on the period from the Middle Ages to the second half of the last century. As a type of forest transportation by water, it was used at crossings, reservoirs and rivers. Germany applied jointly with Latvia, Austria, Poland, Spain and the Czech Republic. Martin Spreng, Chairman of the German Timber Rafting Association, is pleased with the nomination and the exchange of experience that has arisen between the participants in the joint application.

The list of intangible cultural heritage is growing

The Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, which has already been ratified by 180 countries, was adopted by UNESCO in 2003. The list of objects to be protected on the basis of this document illustrates the diversity of the cultural heritage of mankind and indicates the importance of traditions, also emphasizing the danger of their complete disappearance. Germany ratified the convention in 2013. Lists of intangible cultural heritage already include more than 600 items from 140 countries. Among them, for example, are the Azerbaijani national women’s headdress kelaghai, the skills of making Kyrgyz and Kazakh yurts, the Brazilian national martial art of capoeira, Armenian lavash and the Japanese tradition of paper production.

The decision on inclusion in the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage will be made at a meeting of UNESCO, which will be held from November 28 to December 3 in Rabat, the capital of Morocco.

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