Dangers of Sitting for a Long Time: Risks of Premature Death and Health Problems

by time news

2023-11-13 11:52:00
Research Reveals the dangers of Sitting for Long Periods

New research has found a significant link between sitting for extended periods and premature death. The study, which was published in medical journals, suggests that sitting for more than 8 hours a day can be as detrimental to one’s health as smoking or regularly consuming alcohol.

The research has also found that obesity, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and increased inflammation in the body are all linked to prolonged sitting. These conditions not only lead to illness and suffering, but they can also result in premature death.

Office workers are particularly at risk, as they often spend long hours sitting at a desk. Dr. Edward Laskowski, a sports medicine doctor, explained that sitting for prolonged periods results in the body using less energy than when standing or moving. He also noted that engaging in moderate exercise, such as brisk walking or cycling, for 60-75 minutes a day, can help counteract the negative effects of excessive sitting.

The research also found that those who engage in more energetic sitting, such as standing up and walking often, have a lower risk of premature death. Therefore, making simple changes such as standing up every 30 minutes, using a high desk for work, or finding ways to incorporate movement while working can help improve one’s overall health.

Dr. Laskowski emphasized that regular physical movement, even in small amounts, can have a significant impact on one’s health, including weight management, muscle strength, and mental well-being.

As modern urban lifestyles contribute to increased sedentary behavior, the research serves as a reminder of the importance of reducing sitting time and incorporating more movement into daily routines. Whether it’s standing for phone calls or walking during meetings, finding ways to break up long periods of sitting is essential for maintaining good health and preventing premature death.]
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