Dangers that your feet face in summer

by time news

2024-08-12 09:00:09

Heat increases the risks to foot health due to heat, humidity and the use of inappropriate footwear. That’s why it’s important to take good care to avoid infections, burns, and other problems.

Los riesgos a los que se enfrentan tus pies en veranoFeet are a fundamental part of the body because they support all weight, facilitate movement and maintain balance, improve posture and prevent muscle problems. EFE/Jens Buettner

The arrival of summer and the increase in temperatures invite you to enjoy the beaches and swimming pools, which means a greater exposure of your feet compared to the rest of the year and an increase in the risks they may suffer.

Heating on surfaces like sand or asphalt can cause sweating, burning, and additional potential risks to your foot health this summer.

“Feet are a fundamental part of our body, and their health directly affects our ability to move and our quality of life. Although during the summer it is easy to forget to take care of them, this is the time when they need the most attention. The combination of heat, humidity and outdoor activities can cause many problems that, if not treated in time, can lead to serious discomfort and infections,” he explained. Daniela Silva, specialist in Internal Medicine and E-Health Medical Manager at Cigna Healthcare.

Some complications

According to the Spanish Society of Physiotherapy and Orthopedology (SEBIOR)In summer, the risk of foot complications increases due to environmental conditions such as intense heat or high humidity.

These factors favor the spread of fungal infections, which are common in public places such as pools and beaches.

In addition, prolonged use of ill-fitting shoes, or shoes that are not strong enough, can cause the formation of painful blisters and increase the dryness of the soles of the feet.

This environment, favorable for dermatological problems, underlines the importance of receiving appropriate preventive measures.

These include choosing breathable footwear that perfectly protects your feet from hot, rough and dirty surfaces.

Therefore, taking care of your feet in the summer is not only a daily comfort improvement, but also prevent complications that can affect mobility and general well-being.

Keys to keeping feet healthy in winter

The experts at Cigna Healthcare offer several strategies to combat the dangers that your feet can suffer in the heat:

Wear appropriate shoes

It is important to choose shoes that allow you to breathe and are comfortable to avoid blisters and blisters.

Although flip flops and sandals are worn a lot in summer because of the coolness, they can damage the skin due to the constant impact and lack of proper support if used for long distances.

Experts recommend shoes that support walking barefoot and, above all, add adequate support that adapts to the foot physically so as not to compromise freedom of movement.

Shoes without proper support force you to “claw” your toes and cause tension in them and in the soles of your feet that can cause pain and deformities.

Maintain proper hydration

It is important to use specific moisturizing creams for the feet every day, and in the case of cracks, use one that contains urea to soften the skin and avoid complications.

At the same time, it is very important to make sure that the cream is completely absorbed when spreading, as excess moisture can encourage the appearance of fungus.

In addition, good hydration by drinking enough water throughout the day helps to keep the skin moist and healthy, providing additional protection against dehydration.

Take daily health care

After each shower, you must carefully dry your feet, especially between the toes, because moisture encourages the spread of fungi and infections.

If you are doing water sports, it is important to pay special attention to shoes and fin equipment and make sure that they do not absorb moisture, as well as change and clean them daily.

If we are traveling, experts recommend wearing cotton socks, changing them daily or even several times a day if you are walking for several hours.

In the case of torture hyperhidrosis she excess sweatUsing antifungal powders can be a useful option to prevent fungus.

Avoid walking barefoot in public places

Public swimming pools, showers and changing rooms are often sources of infections, including fungi such as athlete’s foot or plantar papillomas.

The experts of Cigna Health They recommend using sandals, flip-flops or non-slip swimming socks in these places and not sharing towels or shoes to reduce the risk of spreading.

Furthermore, in places with dirty water or in hotel rooms, especially those with carpets, we should not go without shoes.

Protect your feet from the sun

There is a myth that the skin on the legs is a bit thick and creates a heat stress or heat tolerance.

However, the truth is that you can sleep easily, especially the instep area, which is the most sensitive and often the area that is neglected when using sunscreen.

It is key to use sunscreen on your feet, making sure to cover the instep, in addition to wearing shoes that protect them during the hours of greatest solar radiation to take care of the plantar area.

This will prevent painful sunburns and future long-term problems such as premature skin aging or skin cancer.

#Dangers #feet #face #summer

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