Dani Alves lost his lawyer and will have to change his defense for the trial

by time news

2023-10-06 11:33:44

The Brazilian accused of sexual abuse in Barcelona received a setback for his strategy: his lawyer resigned to get rid of his image.

Dani Alves, accused of sexual abuse onclick=’vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent(“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and will have to change his defense for the trial”, “General Interest”, “Note”);’ >with carnal access in an event that occurred last December in Barcelona, ​​he continues to prepare his defense for the upcoming trialonclick=’vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent(“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and will have to change his defense for the trial” , “General Interest”, “Note”);’ > and in that plan he suffered a setback after his lawyer resigned from continuing to represent him, onclick=’vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent(“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and will have to change his defense for the trial”, “Inter General”, “Note”);’ > with the intention of removing his name from the case for image reasons. The baton, as reported by Cadena 3, will now be taken by a lawyer who is an expert in criminal law.onclick=’vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent(“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and will have to change his defense for the trial”, “Inter General”, “Note”);’ >

onclick=’vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent(“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and will have to change his defense for the trial”, “General Interest”, “Note”);’ > onclick = ‘vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent (“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and must change his defense for the trial”, “Inter u00e9s General”, “Note”);’ >onclick=’vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent(“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and will have to change his defense for the trial”, “General Interest”, “Note”);’ >onclick=’vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent(“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and will have to change his defense for the trial”, “General Interest”, “Note”);’ >onclick=’vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent(“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and will have to change his defense for the trial”, “General Interest”, “Note”);’ >

Cristóbal onclick=’vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent(“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and will have to change his defense for the trial”, “General Interest”, “Note”);’ >Martell, the prestigious and experienced specialist of Venezuelan origin who had joined the defense shortly after the Brazilian’s arrest on January 20, “is thinking more about the prison repercussion of the sentence before winning the case,” onclick=’vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent(“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and will have to change his defense for the trial”, “General Interest”, “Note”);’ > they assured on television.

onclick=’vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent(“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and will have to change his defense for the trial”, “General Interest”, “Note”);’ > onclick = ‘vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent (“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and must change his defense for the trial”, “Inter u00e9s General”, “Note”);’ >

The new lawyer for the 40-year-old former defender will be Inés Guardiola: the goal of getting the former Barcelona footballer out of jail will weigh on her shoulders onclick=’vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent(“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and will have to change his defense for the trial”, “General Interest”, “Note”);’ >from Brians 2, almost 40 kilometers from the city, for the sexual assault of a 23-year-old girl.

onclick=’vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent(“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and will have to change his defense for the trial”, “General Interest”, “Note”);’ >

The process leading to the trial is still in process, although Alves has already announced that he will not file dilatory appeals because he intends for it to begin as soon as possible to clarify points that left him dissatisfiedeonclick=’vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent(“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and duty u00e1 change defense for the trial”, “General Interest”, “Note”);’ >. “Everything that happened and did not happen in there is only known to her and I. I have a very clear conscience of what happened that morning onclick=’vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent(“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and will have to change his defense for the trial”, “General Interest”, “Note”);’ >in the bathroom in the booth at the Sutton nightclub. What happened and what didn’t happen. And what didn’t happen is that I forced that woman to do anything we did,” the accused said.

onclick=’vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent(“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and will have to change his defense for the trial”, “General Interest”, “Note”);’ > onclick = ‘vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent (“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and must change his defense for the trial”, “Inter u00e9s General”, “Note”);’ >

In the only interview she gave since her incarceration, to La Vanguardia, she continued: “She never told me to stop. She didn’t even make any gesture of wanting to leave. The door was open at all times, it could have gone onclick=’vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent(“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and will have to change his defense for the trial”, “General Interest”, “Note”); ‘ > because I remained sitting practically the entire time on the toilet seat.”

onclick=’vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent(“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and will have to change his defense for the trial”, “General Interest”, “Note”);’ >

Cristóbal Martell, a significant loss in Dani Alves’ defense

onclick=’vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent(“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and will have to change his defense for the trial”, “General Interest”, “Note”);’ >

Among the background of the outgoing professional was vast experience in high-profile cases:onclick=’vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent(“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and will have to change his defense for the trial”, “General Interest”, ” Note”);’ > for example, he defended Lionel Messi when he was accused of tax evasion, as well as Neymar, onclick=’vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent(“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and will have to change his defense for the trial”, ” General Interest”, “Note”);’ >and also the former president of the Generalitat Jordi Pujol in a case in which he is being investigated for corruption.

onclick=’vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent(“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and will have to change his defense for the trial”, “General Interest”, “Note”);’ > onclick = ‘vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent (“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and must change his defense for the trial”, “Inter u00e9s General”, “Note”);’ >onclick=’vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent(“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and will have to change his defense for the trial”, “General Interest”, “Note”);’ >onclick=’vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent(“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and will have to change his defense for the trial”, “General Interest”, “Note”);’ >onclick=’vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent(“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and will have to change his defense for the trial”, “General Interest”, “Note”);’ >onclick=’vApp.ga4SelectContentEvent(“Dani Alves lost his lawyer and will have to change his defense for the trial”, “General Interest”, “Note”);’ >

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