Dani Martín leaves music | Dani Martín leaves music and the networks turn: “Now what I want is to improve as a person”

by time news

Followers, friends and colleagues have encouraged the singer Daniel Martin after announcing in their social networks saying goodbye to music for an indeterminate time, until “a few years” from now, because now what he wants is to “improve as a person”.

This is how the singer explained it in a message that was accompanied by a video, where he performed the song ‘La madre de José’ with his band, from his last concert at La Riviera in Madrid on December 7.

See you in a few years, be happy. I will not follow trends or modify my sound to get to the Grammys. I prefer to get the Grammys doing the reggaeton that Jorge Drexler does and doing the duets that he does on his records, and follow that type of organic and sincere paths “, the man from Madrid has written (1977).

This is a message that It is already answered by thousands of followers on social networks, which Martín has started with an affirmation: “I am a person with a tendency to gain weight, with anxiety, with difficulty concentrating and being able to learn to play a musical instrument in a way that I consider correct (…) Emotionally I am not a very balanced person, I suffer a lot“.

In this video chosen to announce his retirement, the singer also appears jumping rope, as well as images of his followers to enter this last concert in La Riviera, a show in which he told his followers: “Finishing up in La Riviera was necessary to me, before returning to the reality of being Daniel, the one who lives on his sofa, the one who drinks wine, the one who plays football badly but puts his heart into it”.

Martín has finished his farewell with the affirmation that he intends to continue being who he is: “I am only going to improve as a person.”

“See you later, see you forever, until when it really arises. Thank you. Blockout (blackout)”, he concluded in this message that has been supported by colleagues such as Andrés Suárez or Alejo Estivel, among others.

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