The liquidation of all the findings concerning the losses of plant production from the extreme weather phenomena “Daniel” and “Elias” in the P.E. of the Region of Thessaly and other regions of the country were decided by the Minister of Rural Development and Food, Kostas Tsiaras, and the president of ELGA, Andreas Lykourentzos.

The aid, which amounts to €21,743,847.64, will be credited to the accounts of the beneficiary farmers tomorrow, Thursday, September 26 at 12:00 pm.

Within October 2024, the findings on livestock losses will also be cleared, after the examination by the ELGA Services of the revision requests, which were submitted by the livestock farmers for the damages suffered both by the floods and by the extreme weather phenomena “Daniel” and “Elias”, as well as from the 2023 fires.

Article 28 of Law 5136 Official Gazette 148/Α΄/19-09-2024 will be applied for the liquidation of all livestock findings.

It is recalled that the compensations to be paid for the disasters caused by the extreme weather phenomena “Daniel” and “Elias” in P.E. of the Region of Thessaly and other regions of the country reach 310 million euros, while 292 million euros have already been paid to the damaged producers.

The Minister of AAT and the president of EL.GA.A. thank the employees, the executives of the Central Service and the Larissa branch of the Organization, for their significant contribution to the painstaking process of processing findings.

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