Daniel Artana questioned an idea of ​​Axel Kicillof with an irony: “Why don’t we propose that everyone be millionaires?”

by time news

The Economist Daniel Artana analyzed Axel Kicillof’s proposal -supported by Vice President Cristina Kirchner- to implement a universal basic salary. In Business Community, by LN+, Artana reacted to that idea, and to other policies that in theory seek to lower inflation, with irony.

“Why don’t we propose that everyone be a millionaire? That way the problems would end too “he warned, in dialogue with José Del Rio.

For the economist, the universal basic salary It is “an initiative that is being discussed in many developed countries and even so it is not applied because they do not have the necessary budget”. “And are we going to be able to do it here? No way,” she maintained wryly.

Also, he predicted that, if applied, the only way it could be financed would be “with more inflation.” “This government would calmly do it, because for Kirchnerism there is no adjustment. It is a huge misconception they have. Something very basic”complete.

Along these lines, he described the economic situation as “delicate” and insisted that “what we are experiencing is an economic mess.” “Things tend to start getting out of control instead of getting under control. And what do they do? They cover everything with expense”, reported below.

Artana also referred to the exchange of Martín Guzmán for Silvina Batakis in Economy: “What was happening prior to Guzmán’s resignation is that both the former minister and Alberto Fernández not even the collective stopped in terms of public spending”.

“We had the IFE, the tax reduction of [Sergio] Massa. Everything was more fiscal deficit ”, he listed. And he added: “The imbalance you have in terms of public finances ends in emissions and, therefore, higher inflationary levels.” In this regard, the economist indicated that “it is necessary to arbitrate.”

“They insist that it is necessary to correct on the tax side, but the problem here is spending. Straightening that part is the only thing that will make it possible to compensate for the suffering of the people due to the rise in prices. Because they are not only affecting the economy. They are also shredding politically“, complete.

During the last sections of the interview, Artana predicted that the “weather of the week” It will depend on “if the new minister announces a program to deal with the problems that the Argentine economy was already facing before” and closed: “I think it’s unlikely.”

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