Daniel Sancho dispenses with his Thai lawyer with the aim of “establishing a new line of defense”

by time news

2023-09-12 12:22:50

Daniel Sancho, who is in provisional detention in Koh Samui prison awaiting trial, must be represented by a Thai lawyer in the procedure followed in the Asian country by the murder of Colombian surgeon Edwin Arrieta -44 years old- on the island of Koh Phangan.

This is determined by the laws of Thailand. Therefore, it cannot be any other way. Something that has stood out from the beginning – in his different television interventions – Carmen Balfagonwho is Rodolfo Sancho’s lawyer and serves as spokesperson for the family in Spain, along with Ramon Chippirrás.

As confirmed by Balfagón in statements to Digital FreedomIt is true that “Daniel has dispensed with the lawyer” Kunh Anan, who until now had represented Rodolfo Sancho’s son in the Asian country, “thanking him for the services provided up to this point.” For the lawyer and criminologist, it is important that this point be clear.

Ensures that incorrect information has been published about the change of lawyer. The objective of this decision is none other than “establish a different line of defense”. “Neither better nor worse,” adds Balfagón. Currently, Daniel is looking for a new lawyer. “He hasn’t hired a lawyer yet.”, he warns. But what is certain is that she will do it.


What will be the defense strategy?

According to the lawyer’s explanations, it has not yet been determined what the new defense strategy will be. Although it does not go unnoticed that the decision to dispense with Kunh Anan’s services comes a few days after some shocking statements by Marcos García Montes from Thailand.

The lawyer, who also collaborates in Sancho’s defense, was very forceful when stating that “Daniel Sancho is innocent until proven otherwise”. “The prosecution still does not have the evidence, they will have it in 15 or 20 days,” she said. “He will give us a ride and we will work there,” she said.

In this regard, Carmen Balfagón has limited herself to confirming that Thai police still have not sent final report of the investigation of the murder of Edwin Arrieta to the Prosecutor’s Office. On September 7, sources from the Koh Pahangan Police Station – in charge of the investigations – specified EFE that this would be ready by mid-September.

In any case, the agents in charge of the case have 84 days to conclude your investigation. A time that began to count on August 7, which is the date on which Daniel Sancho was brought to justice. For its part, the Prosecutor’s Office can request new evidence until the aforementioned period expires, on October 30.

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