Danish Greenberg v. Bella Hadid: “Committing a crime against humanity”

by time news

Danit Greenberg vs. Bella Hadid (Photo by Tal Hamdi, Instagram / Bella Hadid)

Danit Greenberg, the model and reality show host, shared a particularly angry story against Bella Hadid following the harsh words she hurled at Israel and at the soldiers about the dispersal of the riots of the rioters in the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Greenberg wrote: “It’s 2 o’clock here at night, I watched videos that Bella Hadid uploaded two hours ago. I told myself I would go to bed and tomorrow I would check what was happening with it, but I could not close my eyes. What she is doing is a crime against humanity.”

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Another article: “Uploads videos that the Palestinian media constantly distributes. Pike News clearly has nothing to do with what preceded it, pure populism. Bad. The Israel Defense Forces and our police do not just attack. They protect us and the other citizens of Israel. Among them are Arabs who want to live here in peace”.

Greenberg continued: “It gives legitimacy to terrorists to carry out terrorist attacks and murder Israelis. Especially Jews, she is agitated and does not understand the consequences of this. People are murdered here. And do not confuse the mind that it has nothing to do with religion. “Any other influencer in Israel can influence him.”

The post continues: “It needs to go through a different treatment. Of the authorities, of our army, of the government. Of the Jewish and Arab Knesset members Boz. I would not be surprised if anti-Semitic hate crimes begin in the world soon. I would not be surprised if the murderous wave of terror continues to make waves. Someone needs to stop this girl and it’s better sooner than more people are murdered. The wave of terrorism is starting to bubble up in the network, and people are paying with their lives. ”

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