Danit Greenberg on the trauma from the accident: “There were days when I faked my smile”

by time news

Three weeks after suffering a car accident that broke her nose and caused injuries to her face and body, the reality star Danish Greenberg Pose for the first time in front of the cameras at the launch of the “Danon” jewelry brand. Greenberg did not reach the standard of more celebs, but rather as one of the designers, with several capsules designed by Greenberg being released during the year.

During the launch, Danish told TMI about the past accident, the rumors and the lawsuit that followed, and the criticism that she tried to create a buzz with a secret story and disappearances from Instagram. “I feel fine, relative to what it was and very excited to be here today. It’s not obvious that I arrived after two weeks and I’m glad it turned out that way,” Greenberg said.

Danit Greenberg (Photo: Shlomi Yosef)

There have been many rumors about the serious accident you went through.
“I was driving on a road that is familiar to me and I do orally on a daily basis. I was second from home and suddenly a very big boom that shocked my world. I remember the whipping of the airbags that hit me inside and then the crash I had in the hospital and the uncertainty. A very difficult time for me, maybe The hardest thing I’ve been through in my life, which I hope will come to an end. ”

How do you get through such a big trauma?
“Family, friends who were close, Barak who is my other half and my anchor, he functioned like Superman for all this. My mother slept with me for days and did not leave me. I do not think I could have done it without them. I needed them 24/7. “I went through very difficult days, physically and mentally. If they were not, I probably would not have made it.”

Physically what happened to you?
“You got very severe bruises on the face from the airbags. I had a broken nose, I had to have surgery. Now you see the results of the surgery. Sometimes I look in the mirror and say ‘Oh, it’s not me.’ It’s minor things that only I see. “My whole body has received dry blows, these are still things I deal with. I still need painkillers. ‘Until the wedding it will pass’ is actually written about me, I tattoo it on my forehead.”

Danit Greenberg, Barak Hakmet (Photo: Shlomi Yosef)Danit Greenberg, Barak Hakmet (Photo: Shlomi Yosef)

Was the blogger who spread rumors and you decided to sue him. What exactly did he manage to annoy you with so much?
“All this rumor mill just picked up speed and I was not ready for it anymore. I think I have the right to protect my good name. Every person who harms his name has a right to defend himself. I could no longer keep quiet about it so I sued.

Did it annoy you that they said you were to blame for the accident?
“It annoyed me that at all someone comes and spreads things like that. Accidents happen, in 2021 there were reports of tens of thousands of accidents and unfortunately I got into statistics and in the end I’m fine and everyone’s fine and that’s what matters.

What did you learn about yourself?
“That I’m stronger than I think. Thank God I’m surrounded by a supportive environment and that from any such crisis grows and grows and thank God nothing happened beyond, it’s something I can function with. ‘Fake it till you make it’, I live it right now.” .

Danit Greenberg (Photo: Instagram screenshot)Danit Greenberg (Photo: Instagram screenshot)

Yes? Do you feel a smile and a storm inside?
“In the first days it was a bit more, because I already wanted to get back to routine and get over this hurdle and concentrate on what’s good. There were days I faked the smile, but know what – it works. The best tip they gave me was’ Danish comedy, get dressed. And a t-shirt. Make up and make a face, you’re not going anywhere either, ‘and so it was. There were whole days of getting up, getting dressed, putting on make-up and not posting it. The eyes and I prayed that it would be night already. “

There was a critique raised by Story that you had a serious accident and disappeared. Claimed you did it to create buzz.
“It saddens me the most in all this. Who publishes such a thing to create buzz? I’ve been living in this world for almost nine years now. I have no problem with criticism and it’s a necessary part of this profession but I’ve updated every pips in my life. The followers I corresponded with in private knew I was fine and everything was fine. It would be weird if I was gone for two weeks. I felt it was appropriate to update that I was going on a break to recover, it caused concern and panic and I understand that. Who love me. “

Danit Greenberg (Photo: Shlomi Yosef)Danit Greenberg (Photo: Shlomi Yosef)

Eliav Ozen sent a message?
“It’s irrelevant at all. It does not matter. I have a wedding in three weeks. I do not address this question.”

Another three weeks the wedding will take place. How will this affect her?
“Much happier. If I knew it was going to be a happy wedding then now this whole thing is getting a framework that nothing is taken for granted. It will be a very exciting wedding and we will all go back to my routine and loop and I hope everything goes well.”

Your bachelorette party was supposed to be in Paris. What will be in the end?
“I do not know, I am still working on it. Believe I will do something in the country and know what? Everything is for the better. In Paris it was supposed to be more limited.”

When are you going to drive again?
“Ask the questions, my doctor also asks me. I do not know when. When I feel comfortable and safe enough. Even with pilots, if a pilot smashes a plane God forbid they force him to return within 24 hours. I am not a pilot yet, so I take more time. I passed. “A trauma that I am attentive to myself and do not want to return in anxiety. Let’s see when it will be.”

Danit Greenberg (Photo: Shlomi Yosef)Danit Greenberg (Photo: Shlomi Yosef)

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