Danny Danon revealed at Ofira and Barko the joke called the Netanyahu government

by time news

“The Bennett government was a joke,” Danny Danon declared last night in Ophira and Berkovich’s studio. This unfortunate statement in itself is a joke in light of the current government’s unimpressive achievements so far, and Danon sounds like that schoolboy who got to recite a text at the end of the year presentation, and like someone who doesn’t believe in himself.

For a moment he looked like a trapped animal that didn’t know where to escape from all the difficult questions that the pair of facilitators threw at him, and all he managed to issue were stuttered and stammered answers that didn’t match the facts, which he was well aware of in the secret of his heart.

And if we are talking about jokes, in this no-joke period, one of them is that, when the world is amazed and dumbfounded by the glorious democracy of Israel that is about to go bankrupt, Danon pulls out a sentence like: The world today appreciates and respects us more.

Where did you get this invention? Your prime minister hasn’t even been invited to Washington yet, while Bennett, shortly after becoming prime minister, has been invited to the White House. How do you come up with such nonsense, when the Prime Minister is standing next to the German Chancellor, and the latter is very clearly hinting to him that he is concerned about the changes in the Israeli justice system.

Or how are you able to distort reality, when senior figures in the American government are not interested in meeting Smotrich, the Minister of Finance in the government you support, after his irresponsible statement about the erasure of Hawara, and the graphic description of the American ambassador in Israel, that he would throw Smotrich from the plane Not to mention France, which came out against him with a strong condemnation and basically said he was persona non grata. So where is all the sympathy for Israel that you Danny Danon is talking about? That’s the real joke.

When Ophira, with almost unstoppable rage and with courage it must be noted, snaps at you that the government on which you shower unconvincing praise succeeded in just two months from the day of its establishment to “burn down the country”, or when she asks you to name one good thing that the government did, one thing only, and all that is Go tell him that we won’t worry, everything will be fine, because the laws that bother most of us haven’t been enacted yet, that’s the real joke, because your words imply that you’re not satisfied with them either.

So decide: are they good or harmful? Do you belong like the majority of Likud members to the “monastery of the silent” as Barko called them, who are afraid to retaliate against the prime minister, who forgot which side holds the reins so they don’t fall from his hands, and allows two “extreme messiahs” Simcha Rothman and Riv Levin to grab his throat and the throat of a country Shlomo.

How will it be okay, Danny Danon, when economic experts in Israel and the world, including even the chief economist of the “Kahalat” forum, foresee a danger to the Israeli economy following the coup, and you, Danny Danon, talk to us about how successful the government is because it has already formulated the annual budget, which by the way, It was not reported with admirable transparency, but formulated almost in secret and silence. That’s the real joke.

When Ofira asks you, Dani Danon, why Netanyahu is afraid that Levin’s rival will resign, “that he will resign and “slammed”” according to her, instead of directly answering her question, you divert the subject to the attack that happened this week, and warn our enemies, like Hezbollah, not to dare to mess with us. This is great A joke. Do you know why? Because we all know, even Hezbollah itself, that Netanyahu, in the precarious situation that exists in the country today, will hesitate to start a war, in addition to all the other troubles and vegetables of the stale soup that has been cooking for us here since the legal coup started.

And if we go back to your same statement about the Bennett government being a “joke”, by now you know that in a poll published last night in the news, the Likud has weakened, and the national camp that includes Benny Gantz and Gideon Sa’ar, personalities who were part of that Bennett government which is a joke in your eyes, is getting significantly stronger. The survey even reflected longing for the Bennett government which, in the opinion of the same public, worked more for the people and the country than the current government. So the joke is on you.

Want to hear another joke and this time really funny? In one of the articles, it was reported that Ze’ev Elkin said that Netanyahu brought Ben Gvir and Orit Struck, people who symbolize the full right, to vote against the law to apply sovereignty to the Jordan Valley, while he himself sat in the Knesset and did not come to vote. In other words, send his messengers and roll the responsibility at their door. I admit, I even laughed out loud.

Another funny joke is the strange appointments of the Prime Minister who entrusted important offices to unprofessional and inexperienced people. See Aruch Ben Gabir, or Smotrich, Revival of the New English Language.

However, the saddest and almost tragic joke is the fact that the prime minister, while his party won the elections, promised that he would be the prime minister of everyone, and now “everyone”, not including half the people who go out to protest in the streets with their children, lose days of work, cry out their pain, and are ready to be sent to be arrested and injured until bleeding for the sake of democracy.

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