Darmanin prepares the ground for 2027

by time news

2023-08-14 21:45:00

DISPATCH — “What worries me now is what will happen in 2027”, shared Gérald Darmanin at Figaro this Sunday, August 13. Dismissed from Matignon by the maintenance of Élisabeth Borne, he is already considering the next stage by projecting his political vision, guided by his “popular compass”.

Emmanuel Macron will not be able to run again in 2027. His camp knows very well that he will have to find a successor for him. He himself would like “those who [l’]have accompanied for six years now can take over”. Édouard Philippe, for example, “he’s a friend”.

At Renaissance, we are keeping a low profile for the moment, postponing the choice of a candidate after the European elections of June 2024.

But the Minister of the Interior does not have that time.

“What worries me now is what will happen in 2027,” he planted. in the columns of Figaro, just weeks after the July reshuffle. As if to suggest that he could take things in hand, he is organizing his political comeback on August 27, in his electoral stronghold of Tourcoing. Some 400 people will be expected there, including 90 parliamentarians, from the majority and other political parties, as well as ministers.

Its objective is to make a place for itself in the political chessboard. To do this, he chose to bet first on his “popular” side. “I was rather in the minority on the importance of the social question, but I hope that the popular compass that I propose will one day be fully heard by the majority,” he explains. To give credit to his remarks, he goes so far as to evoke a closeness of analysis with the left-wing elected representatives François Ruffin (LFI) and Fabien Roussel (PCF), taking great care to distinguish them from “the bobo-liberal left” duly represented in government.

Even more, the Minister of the Interior speaks of “the efforts” that should be asked “of capital, of employers”. A quasi-taboo in Macronie. He also attacks “technique” and “technicians”, their speeches “which the French do not always understand”, their inability to speak truthfully.

#Darmanin #prepares #ground

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