David López: “Many times it may penalize us to receive so many continuous compliments”

by time news

Defense of Girona. With 33 years and more than 400 matches as a professional he has seen all colors. That is why he makes himself heard when he acknowledges that it is difficult for Girona to get into some games or that the praise weakens. However, the one from Sant Cugat, with a contract until 2024, is convinced of the potential of the team to save itself.

– Which Girona will be seen against Atlético?

We hope that we try to work every day. In terms of work, attitude and camaraderie there is a very high level every day. Also of quality and intention in the game. Daily work allows us to play big matches, especially in Montilivi.

– I say it because it comes from a bad image in Getafe, after two great games against Lugo and Bilbao and another gray game in Cadiz. Are you seeing a two-sided Girona? A dangerous Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde?

We have an interesting dressing room with a mixture of experienced players and some youngsters who bring vitality and energy. This has very positive aspects, but from my point of view, there is also the negative side. In some matches that, a priori, are not so attractive to play, such as for example the day in Cadiz where it was very windy and the conditions were not ideal, against Getafe the pitch was not good either… These are matches that we they complicate a lot and it is one of the aspects that we need to improve. I have the feeling, before we start, that these games are more difficult than facing Barça, Valencia or Atlético tomorrow.

– The coach said the other day in Getafe that there had been a tactical problem. From what he says, there is something more. Lacked mentality, perhaps?

One thing leads to another. The lack of this point of competitiveness or mentality means that all tactical aspects are not rigorously met and this tips the balance. We work on this aspect and depend a lot on positioning, on finding the free man in a hurry. It is reasonable, because it is impossible to be one hundred percent and concentrated in every match, like everything in life.

-Which day did Míchel shout more at half-time, in Cadiz or Getafe?

Both of us. In Cadiz I wasn’t there and they explained it to me. I know it wasn’t nice. He is a very impulsive coach, with a lot of temperament and character. It’s his way of being and how he thinks he should convey that to the players. We already know him and understand him perfectly.

-Do you have the feeling that from the environment and the fans it is taken for granted that the goal is almost achieved?

It may be that some other season with 30 points at this time could be more comfortable. From the dressing room and analyzing it coldly, the veterans see how narrow and competitive the bottom zone is and this makes us think that the typical 40 points will not be enough. It’s better to be cautious and get your salvation as soon as possible and then we’ll talk about it.

The Sant Cugat defender has played 12 league games so far MARC MARTI FONT

-To what extent can it be dangerous to let yourself be dazzled by a few good matches and internalize this message that everything is almost done?

It must be a mistake. We are a team, too, that perhaps continuous praise, doing things well and that have a positive impact penalize us many times. We play well and have very good matches, but we also have a negative side, which is that we score a lot of goals and there are matches where we are not up to par. These are things that we have to correct and that can harm us by the end of the year. We have to be aware that we are good and we do it very well, that’s the reality, but with the humility to know that we haven’t done anything yet and that if we don’t always offer 100%, we won’t get anywhere.

-Is it talked about in the dressing room of that year 2018-19, when Girona has 34 points with 10 games to go and is relegated?

Then I experienced it from the other side. It seemed that Espanyol was headed for relegation and by winning at Montilivi we started to climb places and reach Europe; and Girona the other way around. This shows that there are 38 games in the season and that doing very well in the first few does not mean that you will have a good year. It’s about regularity and being consistent until the end. Never believe it and have the mentality of always wanting more.

-Would he have signed to have 30 points on the 24th day?

Oh, and so much! For a newly promoted Girona and more in the way they did, entering the play-off sixth after a bad start last season, it is clear that he would have signed.

-Does he like to play with Míchel’s idea?

Yes. I’ve had all kinds of trainers and I really like Míchel’s style. Football is evolving and moving in this direction. There are teams that may have another way of playing, which may be just as good, but which are always more difficult than those who propose with the ball.

-You have had Rubi and Machín, two legends in Girona.

Everyone has their own idea. The important thing is that the team understands it and carries it out as well as possible and has the right players to do it. Rubi was of a similar mind, yes. Now we have a squad that goes with it, with players inside who are able to associate, turn, look for one-on-ones, have verticality. This benefits us a lot.

-Jorge D’Alessandro, technician based in Huesca in 2012, was another story, I guess…

Yes…Each trainer is a world…

– Do the centrals suffer with this idea of ​​play?

We expose ourselves a lot because we have to participate a lot in the release of the ball. In a low block, where we are pressed up and we have to play quickly or look for the free man, there is always the possibility of losing the ball which costs us a goal because we are so close to the goal. When defending, too, because we have a lot of meters behind us and sometimes it’s one against one. However, I like it because it gives us a lot of advantage. Offensively, if we get out of the pressure, it benefits the team a lot; when defending, if we steal at the top and give the possibility to continue attacking.

-He had been at Espanyol for many years. Which Girona was expected and which Girona has been found?

I was pleasantly surprised. Historically, he has not lived so many years in Primera, but I have found a structure, sports facilities and workers of a very high level. I guess having the City group behind it helps a lot.

-Maybe not this year, but do you see Girona in Europe in the short term?

Why not? I always try to always look up and not put limits on myself. I am ambitious. Of course, from humility and down to earth. Right now there are teams that have been doing things well for many years, with a much higher budget and better players and it’s complicated. However, I have already experienced having a great season and entering Europe and Girona can do it perfectly.

-Are profiles like yours or those of Romeu or Tsygankov strategic for the growth of the project?

I think it has become a very good market. He has combined well owned players with others on loan and a good mix of veterans, youth and people who have suffered from Girona’s recent non-promotions. There is a very good dressing room with a master who has ideal ideas for this team.

-Is Ukrainian that good?

Yes. I didn’t know him and he surprised me a lot. When he arrived I thought it would be much more difficult for him to adapt, not only to day-to-day life but also to Spanish football, which is faster and more tactical. A pylon has been adapted and is already starting to speak Spanish and everything. We already see it in the field. The other day in Getafe was one of the best. It is in a good progression.

-In the summer, on the day of his presentation, he said that he had spoken to Stuani about his quarrels a few years ago. Was there some banter in the locker room just arriving?

Well…In the first days it’s normal for the funniest ones to play a joke on us, but the chapter was closed right away.

-The protective mask he had to wear, did he keep it or did he give it to Stuani for the invisible friend?

(River). We have turned a page and that’s it.

-We were talking about Tsygnakov before, which player in the team has surprised you the most in terms of quality?

There are young players who had no experience in the category like Rorro, Miguel, Javi or Arnau – which surprised me a lot – who have adapted very well and have shown quality and personality. The one who has brought us the most and surprised me is Oriol Romeu. It was a very important signing. It gives us balance in the team defensively and also in the offensive aspect. It is a key piece.

– Do young people believe a lot or do they have to mark them closely?

Yes, they all believe! There is a sensational group. It is a humble group with a lot of camaraderie. In situations where another group would have complained, there has never been a problem here.

-What rivalry is there between Girona and Espanyol or what do you think there should be?

There is a Catalan derby-style rivalry. There have been few in history and as there are more confrontations like this, there will be more. As long as it is a healthy rivalry and there are no problems beyond the pitch, it is something positive for football and the fans. Both clubs benefit from it. Obviously, Espanyol now has more history, but Girona, from a humble and day-to-day perspective, has nothing to envy.

– Do you understand that any Girona fan can be from Girona and at the same time from Barça, Espanyol or Madrid?

Yes. There is nothing written about tastes. Everyone is free to be on whatever team they want.

-Have you felt a lot of briefcase rush during your sports career?

It is complicated. It used to be talked about a lot more than now. Now it’s much more complicated or impossible unless you’re crazy. We are much more controlled and the Police have a department in the league and it is practically impossible. Unfortunately, it is an issue that happened in the past and, one way or another, things were felt.


-Does he see himself as a coach when he retires?

Yes. I want to do the course when it closes. The career of a footballer wears a lot and often makes the family move up and down. I’ve been lucky enough to be at Espanyol for many years and now here at Girona, which is next to my house, and I don’t know if I’ll feel like moving again, once I’ve retired.

-Do you watch any series?

Yes! I’m addicted to series. Now I’m hooked on The last of us.

-Is it a lot to read?

Yes, too. I have strength from beginnings at the same time. Now I’m with Liderazgo, a biography made by Alex Ferguson and his sons.

-How many languages ​​does he speak?

Catalan, Spanish and Italian. In English I can hold a conversation too.

-Will we see him doing a Twitch one day?

No. never That’s for sure not. Things can change a lot, but I don’t think…

-I a la King’s League?

No. neither

-A place in Girona that has stolen your heart?

I really like Girona. Any corner of the Old Quarter, the Cathedral, the bridges… I like to live there and go there to eat or make coffee.

-Who is the best footballer you have played with?

Phew! Lots of! From my first time at Espanyol, Dani Osvaldo, Sergio García… Then at Napoli I played with Higuaín, Insigne, Hamzik, Jorginho…

-And what about Jose Ramírez?

Too! We played together at Terrassa and he is one of the first veteran players who helped me. I have a great memory of it.

-And the rival who has complicated his life the most?

A few…Diego Costa and especially Luis Suárez. It was one of the most complete. He was very intense and with a great sense of goal.

-Finish the sentence. Next year Girona…

It will continue to be in Primera.

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