Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 2023

by time news

2023-11-24 00:09:08

November 25 calls us to reflect on a painful and unacceptable reality: persistent violence against women. In it International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Womenwe raise our voices to address shocking statistics, highlight ongoing actions, and make necessary commitments. His slogan for the 2023 campaign of the United Nations Organization is There is no excuse!

This text explores the urgency of collective participation, highlighting the importance of raising awareness, prevent murders of women, feminicide and gender violence and provide vital support to victims. We face challenges, but we also unite in a call to action to build a future where all women live free from fear and oppression.

November 25 marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, a day dedicated to reflecting, raising awareness and acting together against a scourge that persists around the world. This day stands as a reminder of the prevailing need to eradicate sexist violence gender and create a world where all women live free from fear and oppression.

Each year, the International Day to End Violence against Women marks the start of the UN Unite Campaign, 16 days of activism running from November 25 to December 10, coinciding with International Human Rights Day..

In 2023, the UNITE! campaign Invest to prevent violence against women and girls It aims to mobilize the entire society. It seeks to encourage each individual to become an activist, show solidarity with women’s rights defenders and support the feminist movements globally. The purpose is to avoid setbacks in women’s rights and work towards a world free of gender violence and Human rights.

Despite social and legal advances, statistics on violence against women remain alarming. According to international reports, one in three women has experienced physical or sexual violence at some point in their life. These heartbreaking data reveal the magnitude of the problem and underline the urgency of taking concrete measures.

Accessibility to data on gender-based violence has improved considerably, with information now available from at least 161 countries. The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and UN Women are collaborating to analyze these figures. Discover more on UNFPA’s multimedia platform, which presents data classified by country, and explore UN Women’s numbers obtained through its Global Database to combat gender violence. Together, we work towards an informed world committed to the fight against gender violence.

Such as complaint the United Nations Organization (UN) Violence against women and girls remains one of the most widespread and pervasive human rights violations in the world. It is estimated that, globally, 736 million women – almost one in three – have been victims of physical and/or sexual violence at least once in their lives.“.

Furthermore, the United Nations notes that “This is a scourge that has intensified in different environments, including the workplace and online spaces, and has been exacerbated by post-pandemic effects, conflict and climate change.“.

Raising awareness is a crucial first step in addressing gender violence. Various organizations, governments and activists have carried out campaigns to raise awareness in society about this issue. The idea is to transform mentalities and promote gender equality from the first stages of life. In addition, they have been implemented educational programs to prevent violence and promote healthy relationships.

In 2023, the UNITE! campaign Invest to prevent violence against women and girls seeks to mobilize all members of society. The goal is to become activists, show solidarity with women’s rights defenders and support global feminist movements. The goal is to avoid setbacks in women’s rights and work towards a world free of gender violence. Explore campaign detailsincluding data, prevention and investment strategies, and join us in claiming the campaign motto: There is no excuse!

Despite the efforts made, we still face considerable challenges in eradicating violence against women.. Lack of reporting, entrenched gender stereotypes, and insufficient resources for victims are barriers that must be overcome. A renewed commitment is needed from governments, institutions and society as a whole to address these issues comprehensively.

The key to addressing this problem lies in solid responses that prioritize investment in prevention.

However, as the UN warns The low allocation of economic resources by countries is alarming. Barely 5% of global government aid is allocated to combating gender violence, and less than 0.2% is invested in its prevention.

It’s imperative channel more economic resources to women’s organizations, improve legislation and justice enforcement, offer services for survivors and provide training to law enforcement officers.

Gender violence constitutes a cost for the entire society. It is time to recognize the importance of allocating adequate resources to eradicate this problem that affects everyone.

The fight against gender violence is not the exclusive responsibility of a specific group; It is a task that concerns the entire society. The active participation of women and men in promoting equality, respect and empathy is essential. TOBy challenging outdated social norms and promoting values ​​of equity, we contribute to the creation of a safer and fairer environment for all.

It is essential to ensure that victims of violence have access to adequate resources and support. Numerous non-governmental organizations, shelters and helplines offer assistance to those who have suffered abuse. However, it is essential to strengthen and expand these services to ensure that no one is forced to endure violence in silence.

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women urges us to reflect on the progress made and the challenges that remain.. Gender violence cannot be tolerated or overlooked. We need a strong commitment to change the structures that perpetuate violence, foster a culture of respect and provide support to those who need it.

On this day, we call for global action. We urge governments, institutions, communities and citizens to unite in the fight against gender violence. Only through collaboration and sustained commitment can we aspire to a future where all women live without fear and fully enjoy their fundamental rights.. The eradication of violence against women is an achievable goal, and each of us has a crucial role to play in building that just and equitable world.

#Day #Elimination #Violence #Women

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