Day without cars and without motorcycles in Bogotá: this is the time when vehicles will not be able to circulate

by time news

The Mayor’s Office has announced that it expects that during the new day of Car-Free and Motorcycle-Free Day in Bogotá, more than 1,850,000 cars will stop circulating. They will enable 101 kilometers of cycle path – Ministry of Mobility credit

The first of February is not only the first day of the second month of the year; It is also the date of the first day of the Car and Motorcycle Free Day of 2024 in Bogotá.

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According to the Mayor’s Office of Bogotá, this event seeks to contribute to a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions in the city, even more so in the midst of the environmental crisis due to drought that Colombia is going through.

However, it is necessary for citizens to take into account the stipulations that the District Administration has extended regarding the day in terms of schedules and routes. Thus, from students to workers they can program their alternative methods of transportation, given that taking the car or motorcycle out of the garage can result in the immobilization of the vehicle.

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“This day is an opportunity to try and discover sustainable means of transport such as walking, cycling or public transport, and the advantages that their use offers both for the person and for the city. The infrastructure alone does not modify people’s habits, this day serves for people to discover that there are other ways to move in the city other than by car,” said the Secretary of Mobility, Claudia Díaz.

It is expected that the main means of transportation in Bogotá will be public transportation during the Day without Cars or Motorcycles – credit @SectorMovilidad / X

In accordance with the details indicated by the Mayor’s Office, the schedule stipulated for the day will begin at 5 in the morning, and will end at 9 at night. This was confirmed by the District Mobility Secretariat: “The new Car-Free and Motorcycle-Free Day in Bogotá will take place next Thursday, February 1, from 5:00 am to 9:00 pm, with the purpose of generating habits in citizens aimed at sustainable mobility.”

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In this way, to solve the lack of cars, the office of Mayor Carlos Fernando Galán has sought to provide some spaces so that citizens can walk, or make use of transportation resources such as bicycles, or small electric vehicles.

“Citizens have a 9,575 km pedestrian network, which facilitates connection and articulation with mobility systems and the city.” For those who choose to use bicycles, according to the Mayor’s Office, “they will have 630 kilometers of cycle routes available. 101 kilometers of bike lanes will be enabled from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm Some of these are Carrera Séptima, Avenida Boyacá, Calle 26 and Calle 116. The Bicycle Sharing System will operate with 3,300 bicycles. The stations will be operating from 5:00 am to 10:00 pm.”

In turn, the authorities have determined what types of means of transportation will not have any restrictions to travel during the designated hours of the day.

According to the official determinations of the Mayor’s Office, the following can circulate: public transportation, vehicles driven by people with disabilities or for their transportation, school transportation, vehicles with a capacity of more than 10 passengers, emergency vehicles, vehicles intended for operations of transportation companies. home public services, including motorcycles, emergency vehicles, vehicles intended for traffic control, including motorcycles and tow trucks that provide service to the District Mobility Secretariat, presidential motorcade, military vehicles, National Police vehicles, State Security Organizations and CTI, diplomatic service vehicles, surveillance and private security motorcycles, vehicles assigned by the National Protection Unit, electric or zero-emission vehicles, including motorcycles, hearses, motorcycles linked to companies, technological platforms and/or commercial establishments, that provide courier and/or home service, value transporters.

Meanwhile, the prohibited means of transport are the following: “private cars and motorcycles, vehicles and motorcycles from driving schools, vehicles with a peak permit and solidarity license plate, private media vehicles, hybrid vehicles, vehicles dedicated to gas , taxis with a beak and license plate (plates ending in 7 and 8), Cargo vehicles with established restrictions (Decrees 840 of 2019 and 077 of 2020): Vehicles with a model year older than 20 years throughout the city. Hours: Between 6:00 am and 8:00 am, and between 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm”

It is worth mentioning that the fine for their mobility during the day will be 572,514 pesos with immobilization, in accordance with non-compliance with violation C.14 of the National Traffic Code.

In the same way, the Secretary of Mobility, Claudia Díaz, reported that “the Ministry of the Environment will establish several monitoring points to measure emissions, including those of carbon dioxide.”

In addition, “during the day, there will be 1,140 road traffic units and guides supporting the regulation of mobility, and 14 checkpoints,” as indicated by the Ministry of Mobility.

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