De Croo takes swift action to ban far-right conference at Claridge’s; vows to uphold security in municipal area

by time news

,My order to ban this demonstration was based on Occam’s analysis. […] The State Council took the decision, and the event continues to this day. Still the question of security remains. I have taken up my responsibilities as mayor to prevent any excesses and I will remain vigilant about how things are done in the municipal area.”

De Croo on ban on far-right elected officials conference: “What happened at Claridge’s today is unacceptable”

As a reminder, this conference was initially held at the Concert Noble, but was canceled under pressure from several anti-fascist associations in view of the far-right artists. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Vlaams Belang MEP Tom Vandendrisse, National Rally MEP Patricia Chagnon and Europhobic British politician Nigel Farage have been notably invited to speak. This Tuesday evening, la dh Also revealed were the arrivals of Amichai Chikli, the Israeli Minister for the Diaspora and the fight against anti-Semitism, Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis, described by many as a fundamentalist Catholic, and Cardinal Müller. About, who affirm that there is no homophobia. does not exist.

Yesterday Tuesday, the police blocked access to the event, but were unable to stop it, as Amir Kiir wanted, “operational reasons”, A demonstration was held next to the room where the event was held, Claridge’s, bringing together about a hundred people.

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