De Ja Wu: The death of Modi Bar-On is the passing of a magical generation

by time news

“Israel is not a country, at most a moshav area, and a community to barely” – this was the most poignant statement of the late Bnei Peled, who was an Air Force commander, strategist and commander. His statement crossed my mind when I saw Mako’s tweet: Did you stop smoking? Still at risk for lung cancer (yes, e-cigarettes too), decorated of course with a photo of the late Modi Bar-On.

Moody has not yet closed a day in his grave in the Rishon Lezion Civil Cemetery, but if his photograph, his figure and the fact that he was a heavy smoker can be used, why not? Come on, this is great money, and money is not dead, only human beings. According to publications that have no scientific proof, 8,000 die each year from smoking damage. In total, about 45,000 people die in Israel every year – so what do the rest die from? How many die from a common fool who becomes a viral fool? When will a study be done on how many employees of the stupid industry suffer from multiple sclerosis a year, how many die from it? After all, this is not a big industry, it’s just big, huge, huge.

This text is the number 600 that I write for “Ma’ariv-Sufa Shavua”. I did not plan to refer to Moody, who contracted lung cancer about five months ago. I knew he was sick, but I was reassured that it was not of the violent breed. As if there is a cancer that is so mild, nice, containing and patient. “It’s just health, monkey. The tumor did not spread to the lymph nodes, did not harm other organs.” It was not clear to me, but I understand? I did not even know what to ask. How did the Canadian Morton, the late father of my friend Robert, say: if everything is so good so why everything is so bad?

When Moody stopped showing up, because of a brief blackout on one of the Champions League broadcasts, I told myself the ceremony was over. This meticulous, punctual and precise man, aware of every word spoken on the broadcast, even if it lasts four hours, will not give himself a chance for another tiny blackout, which the vast majority of viewers did not even recognize, or if he probably did not understand, but Moody understood.

  • A cheesecake with a spoiled taste that you will never guess is low in calories

On Saturday night, in a preliminary broadcast for the Champions League final, a three-minute article was broadcast in Moody’s voice. Broadcast editor Chen Levinkron (Stanley) told Moody in the run-up to the final: “I want you on the broadcast. You choose what you can do: submit, be on the panel, anything you want.” Moody, who was probably more aware of his condition than most of the people in his immediate circle, chose to write a text and narrate it. After the recording, Winecron was also aware, but was silent.

While watching the clip, I kidnapped Deja Vu to the late Meir Einstein, who passed away five years and two months ago. Later, his voice fell silent. Finally. There were some parallels between Meir and Modi. Meir was a model for a journalist and a broadcaster. He was meticulous, learned, diligent and most of all accurate. And when they did not live up to expectations, they heard the familiar phrase: “You despise me.”

Moody was a creative artist, first and foremost. Despite the seemingly sloppy sitting in the studio, leaning aside with his legs crossed with the movement of his shoulders forward, he knew every word he would say on the broadcast. He wrote the text, changed quite a few versions, until he approved the final version. So he studied the text orally, rehearsed in front of a camera before the broadcast, until he was satisfied.

In the broadcast itself there was no prompt, everything was in the head. Meir also did not have a prompt. He would open a broadcast with points he made for himself at home, and that’s it. Meir and Modi are the only presenters I worked with who did not use the teleprompter on the broadcast. No longer produce such, the generation is gone. They both did not like doctors, tests and all that jazz. Both were exposed to medicine when their illness was in a phase of haze-haul situation. The pathology of the disease in both was short, a few months and over.

When I arrived at the “For proper rest” cemetery in Rishon LeZion, I once again had Deja Vu Miura, who was buried in a religious cemetery in Herzliya. Miura was the greatest atheist I knew. It is a pity that my cynical conversations with him about religion and pagans were not recorded. “Because Miura was looking to the future. I asked Oli, his widow, why she chose to bury him with a rabbi, a burial society and all this production.” It’s not me, Roni, he wanted to, I was just worried it would happen. “

Moody’s funeral was like him: cultural. The obituaries are short, precise and clear, Kaddish and over. What is left is a pit, a coffin and a pile of strangers. I stood far away, near the fence, because I am not good at ceremonies and have a hard time with grief and its ways of expression. As the holy public walked away from the grave ward, I reached for it, lit a cigarette and quietly asked Moody, “What were you thinking, man, when you felt unwell? That it would pass alone? It no longer happens at our age, we have no organs to replace. At our age if we burp in the morning, “This is already a reason for gastroscopy. So chest, abdominal pain and shocking feeling and you pass it like nothing?”
He did not respond, perhaps smiling up in dismissal.

Moody was completely different from me in the purpose of change. He put culture into sports broadcasters, he was mainly looking for the good, the entertainment, the concept that accompanied it: have fun. He did not like, to say the least, the genre of “press stand” in his good years: shouting, bluntness, opinionatedness and pointing out failures in the style of your face. But when we worked together on studio programs we got along. I just turned down the volume, knowing that first it’s important to have a plan, then it’s important that it be good or not.

I really appreciated the professionalism and professionalism that were inherent in him. Also the pedagogical section, he taught many how to work and how to specialize. He came from the field of teaching and he had the patience and of course the natural talent.

Many words have been thrown into the air since the news of his death was published on Monday afternoon. I’m almost convinced he would have objected to most if not all. Tachles was a humble man, an amazing creator who was afraid of getting into a situation where it would be irrelevant, facing the younger generation who are characterized by ADHD, dislike meaningful texts, stay away from TV and prefer short text messages of a few seconds on Tiktok, or any other media.

In addition to his work in sports he was a wonderful documentarian. Series such as “Road 90”, “Tel Aviv-Yafo”, “Homeland Lesson” and “The Kibbutz” are not only wonderful material for television viewing, they are a cultural and educational asset. Almost every time I met him in recent years I emphasized to him the need to integrate these materials into the education system. And he almost always had the same answer: “Thank you, but who do you think will take care of this combination.”

So maybe now after he leaves, when every news flash and news release opens with the news of his death and funeral for a day, there will be some senior education official who will start thinking seriously that every student in the country must know what is happening on the longest road in Israel, what is a kibbutz and what is in Tel Aviv. To drugs and alcohol non-stop.

I drove home, on the way I heard a report of the testimony of Amir Ohana, the former Minister of Public Prosecutions, in his testimony before the Meron Events Commission of Inquiry. Neat and responsible, “so there were maybe 500. On what basis was his impression determined?” The ultra-Orthodox asked me how they would tell the public not to come to Meron, after huge prayers in al-Aqsa and demonstrations in Balfour. “

Yes, that’s how it is in Lake Derek, first of all to blame someone else, just have a problem with reality. How many were killed in al-Aqsa and Balfour? No one, perhaps because Ohana, Bibi’s senator, was under the impression that the preparation for prayer and demonstrations was “orderly and responsible.”

The pagans and helpless people in Judea and Samaria do not like General PKMZ Yehuda Fox, because he does not let them rage on the Arabs and the left, their name will be erased, who want to evacuate the stronghold in the Chumash, because the court ruled in all instances, including the Supreme Court. Pagans love the court only when it rejects the prosecution’s appeal, to amend the indictment in the 4000 case. So, the court is holy. But Chumash? So what if the land of Arabs, God commanded to take everything that belongs to the enemy.

As part of the management of the defense system by the residents of Judea and Samaria, they fell in love with Brigadier General Samaria, Col. Roi Zweig-Lavie, another dubious appointment of Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi. Zweig-Lavie thinks ahead, and knows that his chances of becoming a brigadier general are not high without the support of the kippahs. I do not agree with this statement, I think the army and the settlement are one. “

So first of all, I do not care what you think, because you are a soldier and military orders forbid a soldier to be part of a political filth of any kind and of any religion. I mistakenly thought that the IDF was indeed the Israel Defense Forces and not a guard company in Samaria. .

Here is another pagan from Kahana Chai, Adon Ben Gvir, who hates the Arabs. After visiting the Temple Mount, an unclean place according to the Judaism of the pagans, he loudly called for the closure of the Jordanian embassy. “In a reformed country, a government of a foreign country that attacks an MK and violates our sovereignty in the country, should close its embassy and send the ambassador back to his country. The Jordanians do not stop inciting, in most of their impudence they have demands. “

I’m sick of Ben Gvir, he’s a comedian. If he was not a sit-down tragedy he would be a stand-up comedian. He also does not believe in the garbage that he is from Leller, but this is the job so make a living, there are a lot of children to feed. I expect that if and when he joins some particularly racist and fascist extremism, he will be appointed foreign minister.

Only he can lead the community committee here to a state of political isolation and international boycotts, which will make us a par excellence ghetto. But then all the pagans who voted for him will be terribly angry with him, because they will not be able to go out to all-inclusive riots in Turkey, and in general, in all the Mediterranean countries. In short, let Ben Gvir win, or run away from here before he starts taking care of us.

Last weekend, four people were killed on the Arava road. The incident did not receive extensive coverage, as three of the dead are Arabs. The prevailing perception in the public on the issue of the Arabs is simple: “Do not tell me how many were killed, but how many remained.” The fool who worships the ratings treats accordingly. The only Arab about whom there is a consensus was Amir Khuri HaYad, a police officer in the Dan area who was killed in a terrorist attack in Bnei Brak. He also had a Jewish spouse and he was a Christian, so he is defined as a good Arab.

Yesterday Merav Michaeli recalled that she is also a Minister of Transportation in her spare time, when she is not engaged in politics Derek, so she referred to the failure of the Arava Road – which lasted only 74 years, when we conquered Umm Rashresh. Since then, only 48 miles of the lane have become a proper road. “Unfortunately there is not enough money to take care of all the roads,” the transport leader said of a road that has claimed dozens of lives in recent years.

NIS 2 billion is needed to install energy-absorbing separation railings, which will reduce mortality by at least 80%. So there is not 2 billion that was given to immigrants from Ukraine, to a field hospital in Ukraine, to Judea and Samaria, to the ultra-Orthodox, to Guelitzioni money, and not left to the Arava road.

“After the horrific accident on Saturday, I had an emergency discussion with all the parties,” Michaeli explained in response to a query. “We have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to fix the road, because a 120 km lane under construction creates a hazard.”

It promises that the first segment will go out for auction next August. Well, well, this is a long and large project that will be budgeted at NIS 120 million. So it’s already clear to us that the final price will be 300 million MNM! Next: Investigations that will start sometime (because there always are) on corruption, arrests, trials and imprisonments, not in Excel right now, but it’s a lot of money. I really think Mrs. Michaeli and the transportation veteran are not getting along, and it’s time for a change. Can she swap with someone in Goelitzia?

I came across this week the remarks of three pagans disguised as rabbis. Baba-Buba Zvi Kostiner has a yeshiva near Arad, but he hates gays and thinks that this abomination will destroy Israel. He’s 65, so there’s a slim chance he’s transgender, but I wish his extended family some grandson would let him know he wanted to change sex. There is nothing like a reality for a change in personality. Only in forgiveness from the Tzaddik, really I will only ask a small question: When do you take from this Baba-Buba the state allowance for the maintenance of his business in the south, which is called a yeshiva? when is it happening?

The second Baba-Buba is called R.I. the chair of mercy, Meir Mazuz. In his weekly lesson: “Lieberman and Lapid are worse than the Nazis, because the Nazis did not betray their people and love their people. Lieberman and Lapid take the ultra-Orthodox from their people, and give them to the Arabs. ” And there was no treatment here for who to give, because if you do not give a stranglehold, it is a violation of the Baba-Buba rules.

And the third Baba does not actually live as a leech on the public here, he lives in America and broadcasts here on the networks. Baba-Buba Yosef Mizrahi claims that leftists are great criminals, “they are Israel’s real enemies, they are black souls.” He proposes to skewer Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. Toph, in my opinion, is just a dangerous crook, but one who must block his transmission lines, and if he comes here to imprison him. Must not be forgotten.

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