Dear bills and anti Covid aid in today’s CDM: Draghi restarts after the Quirinale break

by time news

Phase 2 of the Draghi government

Dear bills, aid to companies, closing of discos, outdoor masks. These are the issues on the table of the Council of Ministers this afternoon, which starts phase 2 of the Draghi government after the complex election of the President of the Republic. Given that the deadline of the provision regarding the restrictions introduced during the Christmas period is expiring on 31 January, today’s Council of Ministers is an opportunity to take stock also on the necessary interventions in the economic sphere. The reference in particular to the expensive energy that risks weighing on the pockets of millions of Italians and companies but we will also talk about the so-called Covid aid to companies in crisis. So let’s see what the decisions of the CDM could be and what rules will remain.

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