Death of communist poet Pablo Neruda – death of pablo neruda

by time news
Akhil M. S.
(The writer is the writer)

Literally, the literary world and the political world are in shock when Pablo Neruda’s death is confirmed as murder. The world’s conscience is haunted by the memory of the known and unknown people killed as a result of the imperialist coup. America’s hand can certainly be confirmed in Neruda’s death. The United States has been openly supporting imperialist coup attempts in Latin American countries for decades. The elimination of a famous person who is also a Nobel laureate for political purposes is definitely part of an imperialist conspiracy.

Pablo Neruda was a Chilean poet, diplomat and politician. He was also constantly involved in the political world of Chile. Those deep involvements made Neruda a thorn in the side of the imperialist powers in later political situations. Born Ricardo Eliezer Neftali Reyes Basolto on July 12, 1904, Neruda grew up in an ordinary family in the town of Parel. He started writing poetry at a young age and later became one of the most famous poets of the 20th century. His poems of love and longing not only won him admirers but also earned him an undeniable place in world literature.

Neruda was deeply involved in left-wing politics throughout his life. His communist leanings made him a political and personal enemy of the right wing.

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In the 1930s he became involved with the Chilean Communist Party. He served as the party’s senator in the late 1940s. But the government saw political disturbances as a reason to expel him from the country. He was exiled in 1948.

He did not end his literary career even in exile. Neruda continued to write poetry and became an outspoken critic of the Chilean government. The reality is that Neruda’s massive popular support helped bring Chile’s political issues to global prominence. Thus the expelled poet became stronger than he was inside. Neruda used this period for extensive travel and research. It made his ideas stronger. He traveled extensively in various countries in Latin America and Europe.

He returned to Chile in 1952 and was once again elected as a senator. This time as an independent candidate. When political conditions became favorable, Neruda ended his exile and returned to his native land.

Neruda’s political beliefs were deeply intertwined with his poetry. Many of his works dealt with socialist and communist themes. He saw poetry as a tool for political change. His writing often reflected a commitment to social justice and opposition to political oppression.

Poetry and political beliefs were deeply intertwined throughout his career. In many of Neruda’s poems, central themes of communist ideology such as the constant struggle against exploitation, the respectability of labor and the superiority of unity can be seen.

One of Neruda’s most famous works is the epic poem ‘Canto General’, which tells an extensive history of Latin America. Divided into 15 parts, the poem covers many themes such as indigenous struggles, exploitation of workers, and the role of imperialism in the Latin American region. In ‘Canto General’, Neruda celebrates the struggles of the working class and highlights the importance of solidarity in the fight against oppression. The poem is considered a masterpiece of Latin American literature and a powerful example of the relationship between poetry and political action.

Another important theme in Neruda’s poetry is the relationship between the individual and society. Neruda always saw poetry as a tool for political change. The main focus of his poems was the vision that individuals have an obligation to fight for social justice.

Neruda criticized the United States for its economic exploitation of Latin America and called on the people through poetry to resist this oppression. Neruda called upon the people to stand up against the powerful interventions of imperialism.

Neruda’s poetry was a constant search for the light of equality in a world filled with injustice and suffering.

In addition to his political career, Neruda also served as a diplomat for the Chilean government. He held several diplomatic posts during his career, including that of Chilean Ambassador to France in the 1970s. A strong supporter of Fidel Castro’s government in Cuba, Neruda maintained close ties with Castro throughout his life.

Western powers were constantly criticized for their support of the Soviet Union and opposition to the United States. However, his poetry and commitment to social justice continue to inspire oppressed communities around the world today.

In 1973, days after a military coup led by General Augusto Pinochet overthrew the democratically elected government of Chile, Neruda’s life was about to end forever. From the beginning, rumors persisted that Pinochet’s regime had killed Neruda. Even at the time, Neruda’s death was a matter of controversy. It was decades later that the death was confirmed as murder. In any case, let’s hope that justice is indeed served when the mystery of the death of the great poet is solved.

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