Death threats, Attal’s reaction… All you need to know about the abaya affair in Clermont-Ferrand

by time news

2023-09-08 18:21:08

On August 27, the Minister of National Education Gabriel Attal announced the ban on wearing the abaya in public schools, colleges and high schools. In the process, on Thursday, the Council of State validated the ban on this long covering dress, carrying according to it a “logic of religious affirmation” prohibited in educational establishments. And if on Monday some 300 students, out of the 12 million who returned to school this week, presented themselves in abaya in front of their establishment, 67 of them refused to remove it, according to figures from the Minister of Education. Thursday, in Clermont-Ferrand, it was a young student who was refused access to her high school in Clermont-Ferrand. His father later made death threats against the principal. 20 Minutes takes stock as the man was released from police custody on Friday.

What happened Thursday in Clermont-Ferrand?

Thursday morning, those in charge of the Ambroise-Brugière high school screened the entrance, in accordance with national directives concerning the ban on the abaya. A high school student who wore the garment was asked to remove it and was denied access to the establishment after her refusal, according to the same source. A little later, his father called the school and got an agent and then a senior education advisor. To each of them, he allegedly made death threats aimed at the principal.

The 44-year-old father’s custody, which began on Thursday, was lifted during the day on Friday.

What does the father of the family risk?

He will have to answer for his threats in court. The man has been prosecuted since Friday for “threat with a view to intimidating a person responsible for a public service mission”, specified the public prosecutor of Clermont-Ferrand, Dominique Puechmaille, confirming information from the daily regional The mountain. “The terms reported mention the threat of slitting his throat, telling him that he did not quite say that,” said the magistrate.

Placed under judicial supervision with social monitoring, the father was summoned to appear before the criminal court at the end of October, the prosecutor said. He is also prohibited from coming into contact with the victims and from appearing near any educational establishment in Puy-de-Dôme.

What about the principal and security at the school?

The Minister of National Education Gabriel Attal indicated this Thursday that the principal in question would benefit from “constant support in terms of security: the national police will be at his side”, but also from legal support. Regional security teams were deployed in the establishment “in order to ensure the security of the establishment, the agents, and the high school students”.

What are the reactions?

“We don’t often talk about school leaders. However, they are regularly on the front line on many issues, on questions of fundamental law, secularism, the fight against harassment, violence,” recalled the Minister of National Education. “These are extremely shocking threats. I spoke to the principal on the phone yesterday, I assured him of my full support, that of the government, the State and more generally, that of our fellow citizens. These threats are unacceptable and unspeakable,” said Gabriel Attal this Friday, visiting a high school in Lyon. “I say it, things are clear: It is the law, the whole law, nothing but the law. I affirmed a clear rule, that of the application of the 2004 law on secularism in schools. I clarified the things that had remained unresolved with a text that I published,” added the minister, according to our journalist present on site.

For his part, Laurent Wauquiez considered that “educational teams being threatened with beheading in France just because they enforce the law is extremely serious”. “This also shows us the extent of the ground that must be conquered,” added the president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, before specifying: “each time we have red lines crossed, with the violence that happened yesterday, we will be alongside National Education and our school leaders to ensure their protection. »

#Death #threats #Attals #reaction.. #abaya #affair #ClermontFerrand

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