Debate 40 signatures in the presence of Netanyahu: “There will be no dictatorship, seven weeks were wasted”

by time news

Under the title “Strong and independent judicial system” a debate is held in the Knesset with the participation of the Prime Minister at the request of 40 members of the Knesset from the opposition in protest of the legal reform. The Prime Minister and the Minister of Justice will respond to the allegations.

At the meeting of the leaders of the coalition factions at noon, it was clarified that the presence of the MKs in the debate required 40 signatures, half an hour later Otzma Yehudit announced that they were boycotting the debate. The chairman of the faction Yitzhak Kreuzer was not present at the meeting since he participated in the party’s faction meeting in Abitar.

Chairman of the “State Camp”, Benny Gantz said in the debate: “Establishing a government with irresponsible and promiscuous people who set the country on fire.” Where are they now – you know very well. You are harming our strategic relationship with the United States – to the point of President Biden’s unprecedented condemnation of the dangerous moves you are making. Your government’s policies seriously harm the Israeli economy and the ability to develop the infrastructure.

And in the face of terrorism, you allow conduct that I am disturbed will bring us a security disaster. In front of the fuel fumes, you allow the sparks that set fire to Havara yesterday – and can set the streets of Israel on fire.”

The chairman of Yisrael Beitenu, Avigdor Lieberman, called out to Netanyahu: “Now you gave them NIS 200 million with a wave of your hand and are trying to hide it from the public. Mr. Prime Minister, leave us, release, resign.’

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu answered all the speakers before him and addressed a number of issues on the agenda. On the legal reform: “”There is only one way, and that is to start talking about the reform, seven weeks were wasted. let’s talk I am convinced that with good will we can also reach agreements. It is clear to me that this is possible. A huge majority of the people think that corrections must be made to the judicial system and they even agree on general principles. There will be no dictatorship, no end of democracy, no D9 on the Knesset, no halachic state, and no rights of LGBT people will be harmed and no other nonsense.”

Regarding the events in Hawara and the attack, the Prime Minister said: “With all the passion and passions, there is no place for anarchy. Nowhere. We will not accept a reality of a man doing what is right in his eyes. This is exactly what our enemies want to see, a loss of control and an endless cycle of blood, fire and smoke.” Our government is changing the rules, we are fighting terrorism by all means. Enacting a law deporting families of terrorists and promoting a death penalty law for terrorists, things that have not happened until now. There have been attacks and unfortunately there will be more attacks.”

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