Deborah Martínez: Gender Equality, Breaking Barriers and Forging an Inclusive Future

by time news

2023-08-08 18:36:14

In an effort to address the challenges and triumphs women face in the corporate world, we had the privilege of interviewing Deborah Martinez, Kellogg’s Brand Manager. Through this conversation, we explore how women are breaking down barriers, challenging stereotypes and making a significant contribution to the development and growth of one of the most influential multinational companies. From promoting gender equality to creating an inclusive environment, this leader shares her perspectives and experiences, inspiring future generations to pursue their dreams and turn passion into an enriching profession.

By Gerber Consuegra

A Revealing Dialogue on Personal and Professional Growth

Seeking to understand the link between personal and professional development, there is a connection which emerges from the experience of working for Kellogg’s. The traditional notion of separating personal and professional life is diluted in this company, where an integral balance is valued. Inclusive programs, such as hybrid work that allows for flexibility, reinforce this balance. This allows you, as a woman, to make informed decisions about roles in different aspects of life. And professionally, the commitment is strengthened by carrying out the vocation with a shared purpose: to nurture families and communities.

Identification with these values ​​and benefits translates into a deep sense of accomplishment. A close relationship with the company is revealed, like a second home, where the values ​​it defends enrich the work experience. Solid support and the comfort of working in an environment that values ​​gender equity add to this satisfaction.

Fostering Female Development and Leadership

Kellogg’s exposes the company’s unwavering commitment to women’s development and leadership, revealing concrete programs and an inclusive mindset rooted in decades of experience.

Kellogg’s vision for women’s empowerment is clearly stated, highlighting the importance of fostering a culture of equality. That is why programs such as “Woman of Kellogg” were designed to promote the growth and specialization of women in various roles, simultaneously promoting diversity and inclusion.

The solidity of the strategy is evident, backed by more than 20 years of implementing programs aimed at women’s leadership. Kellogg’s stands as a pioneer in promoting gender equality, challenging conventions and providing equal opportunities for professional growth for both men and women.

The evolution of leadership finds its way at Kellogg’s, where gender equality is raised to a higher level. The focus is no longer limited to male leadership roles, but taps into an equity that promotes authentic and diverse leadership.

The reality of this philosophy permeates the work environment, transcending preconceived gender barriers. Inclusion stands as the basis for selection, where competition and commitment define opportunities, promoting an environment where talent is the engine of progress.

Not afraid of challenges, the obstacles that have accompanied this journey towards female leadership are explored. Highly competent and challenging employees inspire to push limits, contributing to constant professional growth. The result is a team of empowered professionals ready to bring innovation and fulfill the mission of nurturing families through Kellogg’s products.

The vision of inspiration and mentorship transcends the borders of the company, extending to the community and future generations. Tangible and tangible strategies are designed to ignite the passion for dreams, showing women, children and youth a path to achievement, either through community programs or within the business environment itself.

Powering Dreams and Female Leadership: The Inspiring Journey of Kellogg’s

Definitely. Sometimes we overlook our own influence in normalizing gender equality. By exploring gender equity, we realize how professional women, with multiple roles and passions, forge a path for future generations. We are shaping a future where young women can achieve their dreams, regardless of the expectations imposed.

The importance of the strategy is crystallized in real stories. During a recent meeting, an intern raised the issue of opportunities at the company. In response, I shared the story of a colleague, who went from being an intern to managing a crucial portfolio. This example underscores how Kellogg’s rewards hard work and competition, offering a path up to those who deserve it.

The company, at a regional level, pursues an altruistic vision and an enriching mission: nurturing families and communities. Internal programs such as “Women of Kellogg (WOK)” are living testimony to this commitment. Through these initiatives, Kellogg’s creates change not only within its walls, but also in the communities it serves.

Deborah Martínez, Brand Manager de Kellogg’s

Equity and Opportunities in the Corporate World

Self-development is essential on this path. Constant updating, study and adaptation to changing technologies are crucial for growth in a company like Kellogg’s. The company is equitable and values ​​the strengths of each collaborator and places them according to their abilities, promoting specialization and competitiveness to provide quality products to all homes.

To drive this growth, training is received on current issues such as artificial intelligence, to stay connected with our audiences and speak their same language. The training is continuous and covers various topics.

Promoting Gender Equity and Female Leadership in Guatemala

In my experience, both at the Kellogg’s level and in my environment, I see that Guatemala is taking significant steps towards the development and empowerment of women. More and more professional women are leading and contributing in various fields. Companies like Kellogg’s and spaces like this allow people like me to share our opportunities, which makes a real difference. Every woman influences her environment, whether it’s in the gym, at work or at university, paving the way for future generations.

From Passion to Profession: The Inspiring Journey of a Leader

20 years ago, I wouldn’t have imagined leading iconic brands like Choco Krispis y Froot Loops in a company with such a clear mission. Nurturing families is an achievement that fills me with pride. My journey at Kellogg’s has exceeded my expectations and is one of my greatest personal achievements.

Loving what one does is essential to achieve exceptional work. For me, Kellogg’s is my second home and I am passionate about my work to give back to families, homes and the community. My advice to young women is to love what you do, be clear about your goals and objectives, which will facilitate your growth and development in whatever field you choose.

In this current era, girls and young people can achieve what they set out to do. Preparation, study, and determination from an early age can turn those dreams into reality. I do not consider myself an example, but I am taking steps to achieve what I once dreamed of: being a successful and empowered professional.

The passion and commitment in the professional world reinforces the message that any dream is achievable with dedication and determination.

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