December 12, 1098. The day the Crusaders devour the people of Ma’arrat

by time news

On the road to Jerusalem, the thousands of crusaders are hungry. Nothing to eat in this country crushed by the sun, except grasshoppers. Already in Antioch they had devoured a few Turks to appease their hunger. But it is already far.

At the end of November 1098, the Christian troops commanded by Bohémond and Raymond de Toulouse gather in front of Ma’arrat, a modest agricultural town living from vines, olives and figs. They are soon several soldiers of Christ to besiege the city, located in present-day Syria. At first, the inhabitants of Ma’arrat do not panic. They have already withstood several attacks, protected by thick walls surrounded by a deep moat.

As winter approaches, hunger becomes more and more fierce. Christian leaders are increasing…

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