decree, quarters, age… What changes with the pension reform?

by time news

2023-05-11 09:11:00

LONG CAREERS 2023. The pension reform project still seems vague regarding the long career system. The duration of the insurance and the safeguard clause raise questions in particular.

[Mis à jour le 11 mai 2023 à 09h11] The government has spoken out on the first application decrees for the pension reform, in particular concerning long careers. People who started working before the age of 16 or before will be able to retire at 58 ans. Those who started before the age of 18 will be able to leave at 60 ansand before 20 years to 62 ans. A new level at 63 ans will be created for those who have started their career before 21 years old (5 quarters with contributions, 4 if you were born at the end of the year, valid for all levels). Small subtilized, those born before the August 31, 1963 won’t have to work longer to leave earlier. You just need to confirm 168 quarters and 42 annuities contribution, before September 1, 2023.

The pension reform must therefore come into force on September 1, 2023. And the first decrees supposed to list with clarity and precision all the changes in the rules, concerning long careers, have been sent to the Old Age Insurance Fund (Cnav). Unfortunately, according to a document consulted by The Parisian, these texts would have several gray areas. Some of which could impact early retirement for long careers. Explanations.

  • The terms of the insurance period. To be entitled to early retirement, the minimum contributory insurance period should correspond to the insurance period required for the full rate (172 quarters for the majority) + an increase of 4 quarters. However, these 4 quarters could rather be included in the calculation of the duration of insurance to benefit from early retirement due to a long career. First vagueness around the reform.
  • A safeguard clause provides derogatory measures for those currently eligible for early retirement, but who would not be eligible with the reform. In particular, those born between September 1, 1961 and December 31, 1963. The latter should be able to benefit from early retirement for a long career by applying to the pension fund. Only problem, it is not specified when it will be necessary to make this request.
  • What about files submitted after September 1, 2023? ? If you are no longer eligible with the new rules, article 7 of the draft allows you to cancel your request for early retirement by informing the pension bodies, two months maximum after the publication of the decrees. It remains to know the date of publication of these famous decrees.
  • more delicate, if you are already in an early retirement scheme, the increase in the legal retirement age can modify your transition age and delay your retirement. Here, it is obligatory to approach your employer so that he takes you back, or that he grants you unpaid leave.

Through the pension reform, the government promises a new device “adapted, so that no person who started working early is forced to work over 44 years”. Find out the new retirement age, based on your age at the start of your career. Attention, to benefit from this early departure, it is mandatory to have validated at least 5 terms before the age of 20, 4 if you were born at the end of the year:

  • 58 ans : if you started working before 16 years old
  • 60 ans : if you started working before 18 years old
  • 60-62 ans : if you started working before 20 years
  • 63 ans : if you started working before 21 years old

At the heart of the highly controversial pension reform, the long career scheme is attracting attention. Indeed, it allows certain retirees who started their career early to benefit from early retirement, ie before the legal retirement age. And precisely, the pension reform plans to modify this device quite widely to allow more people to benefit from it.

Indeed, two new levels should be created. A new to 18 ansso as to retire at age 60, and another at 21 ans, to leave at age 63. As a reminder, the new legal retirement age should be set at 64 years old. To benefit from these early departures, it is necessary to present a complete career, either 172 quarters and 43 annuities. Also, it is mandatory to have validated 5 trimesters before any milestone agewhether the old ones or the new ones created by the reform.

Another important novelty for the long career scheme concerns people who have had a chopped career because of a parental leave. These people could therefore validate up to four additional quarters in this situation. These periods would also be counted in the calculation of the increased minimum pension, which should increase the amount of small pensions for certain women, forced to put their careers on hold to take care of their child(ren).

The national pension fund for local authority employees (CNRACL) is the pension fund for the basic scheme of local government and hospital employees. It is a public administrative institution of the State, it is managed by the Pensions and Solidarity Department of Caisse des Dépôts. Note that the conditions for obtaining a “long career” pension are exactly the same as for other civil servants.

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