Dedicated to Holocaust Survivors: Levy’s Exciting Moment

by time news

Watch Natan Levy’s video on top of the page, starting at 11:30

At the end of three rounds and after dominating his opponent throughout most of the fight stages, Nathan Levy recorded his first victory in the UFC tonight (Saturday), when he prevailed in a judges decision over Mike Bryden, his American rival. At the end, the Israeli sounded especially excited about his huge moment.

“I feel great, it’s my redemption for the last time. It was a tough fight but I pushed. I work with the best guys there, but I met a particularly tough opponent. I had to dig deep and find a way to win. I was sore during the fight, I was tired, but Even if I fall 7 times I will get up 8, that’s how I went all my life.

He went on to add an exciting dedication to his victory: “I want to say that this week was Holocaust Remembrance Day, and if we had to take a minute of silence for each victim, it would take us 11 and a half years. I will sell my battle set and the money will go for Holocaust survivors still with us. “.

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