Defense: nuclear deterrence, end of Barkhane… what to remember from Macron’s speech in Toulon

by time news

How will France defend itself tomorrow? In a global geopolitical grammar upset by the war in Ukraine, Emmanuel Macron presented the main lines of the new National Strategic Review (RNS), from a military building in the harbor of Toulon.

The RNS, supposed to summarize the main lines of France’s defense policy, must feed into the reflection on the means to be implemented in the next military programming law (LPM) 2024-2030, which promises to continue the budget effort in defense initiated in 2017. Here is what to remember from the speech of the Head of State.

New army model. “The aggression of Ukraine risks prefiguring larger geopolitical rivalries in the future, which we have no reason to accept with fatalism, and which we do not intend to undergo passively”, began the leader. of the State, thus justifying “an update of our vision of the threat”. The army’s “2030 model” will therefore not be the one “we would have wanted in 2022”, he added. It should make it possible to deal with “a possible return of a high-intensity interstate conflict” and “hybrid strategies”, involving cyber and information warfare.

Nuclear deterrence, “the backbone of our security”. Emmanuel Macron assured that the French nuclear deterrent also “contributed” to the “security” of Europe, thus clarifying recent statements which had seemed to question this issue. “Today more than yesterday, the vital interests of France have a European dimension. Our nuclear forces therefore contribute by their very existence to the security of France and Europe,” he said.

A cyber defense at the height of the challenges. Europe is no longer safe “from missile and drone strikes”, estimated the Head of State. “We have adversaries who are not always states. (…) Within five years, we should have a first-class cyber defense force.

Strengthen European cooperation. “We intend to increase our partnerships with the various countries of Europe,” said Macron, citing in particular Belgium and Germany. It will also be necessary “to enter into new partnerships, with Italy, Greece or Croatia”, he added. France will have to propose “new forms of innovative cooperation”. “Europe of Defense strengthens NATO”, assured Emmanuel Macron. “In this alliance we will continue to play the role of an exemplary ally, capable of ensuring the role of framework nation and if necessary of ensuring the defense of the eastern flank of Europe. »

A defense summit with the United Kingdom. France and the UK will hold a summit on defense issues in the first quarter of 2023, the president announced, calling for the relationship to be strengthened. “I would like us to resume our dialogue with England, a friendly and allied country. (…) Our partnership must be taken to another level,” he said.

End of Barkhane. The president also took advantage of his speech to officially pronounce the end of the Barkhane anti-jihadist operation in the Sahel, a little less than three months after the withdrawal of French forces from Mali and while France still has some 3,000 soldiers deployed in Niger. , Chad and Burkina Faso. “Our military support to African countries in the region will continue, but according to the new principles that we have defined with them”, indicated the Head of State. It is now a question of concentrating on “cooperation and support”, in terms of equipment, training or intelligence with partner countries. “This strategy will be finalized within six months,” he assured.

“Influence” will henceforth be a “strategic function” in Defence. “We will not be patient spectators”, witnessing the spread of false information or narratives hostile to France, and “convincing is clearly part of the strategic requirements”, declared the president, announcing that this fight will be endowed with “means substantial”. “We have to think about promoting our cause and a defensive attitude could pass for a form of passivity. It won’t be ours. Influence will be a strategic function and will have a central role,” assured the Head of State.

War economy. “The time has come for a more integral mobilization (…), to go to the post of warning”, declared the Head of State, believing that France should put itself in “posture of economy of war” . “In the context of a high-intensity conflict that directly concerns us, it is a real economic and industrial mobilization that we must already have thought of. As early as June, Emmanuel Macron had asked defense manufacturers to strive to produce more and more quickly, at controlled costs, to face the new global geopolitical situation.

Resilience. “The spirit of resilience and planning must irrigate our ministries”, affirmed the Head of State, who said he was counting in particular on the French reserve, civic services, as well as on “our great universal national service project” to deal with “logistical, energy, environmental, informational, cultural and psychological threats”. “It’s not about militarizing society, but about building the spirit of resilience,” he insisted.

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