Degraded furniture will no longer be replaced

by time news

2023-04-26 19:27:15

They have not been replaced for several weeks. The people of Rennes who frequent the city center had noticed it, moving about on a daily basis in quickly covered bus shelters and disfigured billboards. This Wednesday, the city of Rennes formalized the news. After the multiple degradations committed in the city center during the demonstrations against the pension reform, the street furniture will no longer be repaired or replaced. “The Clear Channel company (which operates advertising street furniture) has decided to temporarily suspend the replacement of this furniture,” said the municipality headed by Nathalie Appéré (PS).

Since the start of the mobilization in January, bus shelters, screens and billboards as well as shop windows and cars have been vandalized at each event. After each mobilization, the city’s technical teams are busy trying to restore some dignity to the streets of the city center. But everywhere you can see the marks left by the thugs. In the city center, some businesses have been living behind large wooden barricades that have been tagged for several months for fear of being attacked by demonstrators.

“How far will this destructive madness go? »

After the multiple overflows, the mayor Nathalie Appéré had expressed her anger against the thugs but also against the State. “Rennes, the inhabitants of the city center and particularly our merchants, are the incredulous victims of this unleashing of violence. The damage amounts to hundreds of thousands of euros. What will happen now? How far will this destructive madness go? “asked the chosen one. During the last mobilizations, the police station on rue de Penhoët was burned, as was the entrance to the Jacobins convent, a convention center delivered at the end of 2017 for more than 110 million euros.

A new rally is announced on Monday, May 1 at the call of all the unions. The event will take place in the popular district of Maurepas. But a second call for a rally in the city center has already been announced.

#Degraded #furniture #longer #replaced

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