Deja vu mit Klopapier

by time news

Is it just a coincidence that the toilet paper shelf in the supermarket is pretty much empty? Or is it starting again with the hamster purchases, this time not because of a virus, but triggered by fear of war? So that at least your butt is clean when the Russians come? No, it’s not that bad yet, at least not in bulk. The déjà vu is probably mainly due to increased raw material and energy prices, for example for pulp. This is a problem for many manufacturers. You have to imagine that they were once supposedly the beneficiaries of the pandemic.

The fact that people immediately trust their fellow human beings to react completely exaggeratedly to an admittedly dramatic world situation is probably due to the fact that the past two years have not exactly helped to strengthen belief in humanity. It has been almost exactly two years since there was suddenly no more toilet paper, no pasta or oatmeal, and hardly any milk or water that could be kept. The conditions in the supermarket are not that bad at the moment. Instead, you can hear people stocking up on iodine tablets in preparation for a nuclear attack. The fact that there are people with thyroid disease who actually need these tablets acutely seems secondary.

At the supermarket checkout, the cashier railed against the masks when paying with a customer. It is now really time to allow adults to decide for themselves. No idea if she is one of those who see their freedom restricted by the protective mask; whether she has already taken part in demos against the “corona dictatorship”; whether she feels at least a little ashamed now that hundreds of thousands of people are taking to the streets instead of just a few scattered ones for an imaginary endangered freedom, but for a freedom that is actually threatened.

Apropos: For the coming demonstrations against a man who behaves inconsiderately towards others, it would be desirable for all participants to practice being mindful of their fellow human beings and to reflect a little more critically on their own progress and appearance. Then we can honestly talk about lived cohesion.

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